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WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

NULLED WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform 4.3.4 NULLED

Has anyone set up nodejs? It seems like I set it up and launched it, but it’s not stable and sometimes the chat in the application falls off
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Hello, I wanted to ask the community if you found some natively implanted back doors by the developers inside the latest version of WoWonder 4.3.4 ? If you found some can you please share them I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
remove official backdoor:
1、modify assets\libraries\PayPal\vendor\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib.php
Lines 230-251 are removed
2、Delete all the contents of assets/libraries/google/vendor/rize/uri-template/src/Rize/UriTemplate/Node/node.php
3、modify assets/includes/functions_general.php
if (!is_writable("./sources/server.php")) {
@chmod("./sources/server.php", 0777);
removed it.
4、modify assets/includes/functions_three.php
removed it.
5、delete the file of sources/server.php
6、./sources/welcome.php line 7 remove it
this new update still have this backdoor file? thanks
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