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WoWonder Mobile - The Ultimate Combined Messenger & Timeline Mobile Application

WoWonder Mobile - The Ultimate Combined Messenger & Timeline Mobile Application 4.3


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raz0r submitted a new resource:

WoWonder Mobile - The Ultimate Combined Messenger & Timeline Mobile Application - WoWonder Mobile The Ultimate Combined Messenger & Timeline Mobile Application 27635728

View attachment 20756

WoWonder Combined is a social timeline with chat application for WoWonder social network script. With WoWonder Combined users can post, chat, interact with users feeds, likes, comments and more.

WoWonder Combined is easy, secured, and it will be regularly and life time updated.

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raz0r 's signature
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What's the point of this application if it doesn't start? It is not linked without a purchase code. And buy an application that you may not like. If you could test it and have a look, then you could buy it. We need some kind of demo or, say, code for testing in 7 days.
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please update to 4.5
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This user BANNED
update to to 4.5 version
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Android Stable Version 4.5 [18 May 2024]​

Note: This update brings a host of new features and improvements to enhance the functionality and user experience of our application. It includes system upgrades, new additions, and several bug fixes to ensure compatibility with WoWonder v4.3.3 and above.

  • [Migrated] To .Net 8.0 – Android 14 SDK + Build tools 34
  • [Reduced] Application size 35% less
  • [Added] Mediation between ads system Admob vs AppLovin
  • [Added] Reset avatar for user – page – group
  • [Added] Small ads in the comments & reply
  • [Added] A dialog box to select the language application
  • [Added] A comment and event-like button on the offer profile
  • [Added] Repeat video reels
  • [Added] Search for the messages in the conversation
  • [Added] Broadcast (send one message to more users) create, edit, delete
  • [Added] New type action call “Busy, he has another call”
  • [Added] New type message code with HTML tags support
  • [Added] Get notification for user or page message by Socket system
  • [Fixed] Color text on SearchView
  • [Fixed] Show Online Users
  • [Fixed] Block user message
  • [Fixed] Unarchived chat
  • [Fixed] Reply message from Notification
  • [Fixed] Send Page Message by Socket system
  • [Fixed] Show name file message
  • [Fixed] The event-like button post after adding a new post
  • [Fixed] Delete group & page
  • [Fixed] Show Add Me in my username
  • [Fixed] Add new posts on user, page, and group profile
  • [Fixed] Freeze the app when clicking on the volume player
  • [Fixed] Change background color (login – register – forget password) page
  • [Fixed] Scan QRCode
  • [Fixed] Crash CircleImageView Lib
  • [Fixed] Run In-App Billing
  • [Updated] For multiple packages
  • [Updated] Socket.io SDK
  • [Added] A new system for report mode API
alex2k 's signature
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I have a question, because... The developers of this software are very slow to respond. I bought the Script and WoWonder Mobile - The Ultimate Combined, and I can’t connect them in any way, I already have the keys and everything is according to the letter of the law, but something in the instructions is silent on how to do this, and in the admin panel of the site there is no verification of this application. Has anyone set up the script and mobile software?

Есть вопрос, т.к. разрабы этого софта медленно очень отвечают. Купил Скрипт и WoWonder Mobile - The Ultimate Combined, и никак не могу их связать, уже есть и ключи и все по букве закона, но что-то в инструкции нема как это сделать, да и в админке сайта нема верификации этого приложения. Есть кто настраивал скрипт и мобильный софт?
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Good day. Has anyone come across how to defeat node in an application? On the site, node works using ssl certificates, they are registered there and everything works. And the chat application is constantly loading. And no matter what I do, no matter how I change the ports or transfer them, nothing helps. Maybe it can be disabled somehow or you need to throw the certificates somewhere. Help with this question, because... The support has been silent for the second day now. Apparently they answer once every 5 days, if not less often =)
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Yes, I can do that, but what’s the point? What are you going to do with it? There you need a purchase code, but if you know how to get around it, tell me =)
@raz0r can do it please,
we need null this app
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Yes, I can do that, but what’s the point? What are you going to do with it? There you need a purchase code, but if you know how to get around it, tell me =)
We don't need a purchase code .just upload the source code and share its like so it can be nulled(or unlocked ) by the admin.that we you can use without purchase code
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how to use this application without a purchase key?
Well, I bought a combined one, but it’s not quite normal. Buying both news and chat separately is expensive. If you know how to use it without purchasing, please share your knowledge. I'll upload version 4.5 a little later.
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The question arose, it finally arose =) is there somewhere a nulled CMS on the Stipop sub-system? Well, so that there were stickers, emoticons. Well, throw it on your server and then gradually add animations there. Because somehow I don't want to pay a lot for something like that and I've already bought a lot of WoWonder software. Well, or maybe you know what I can buy?
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