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Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system

NULLED Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system 6.5 NULLED


The Changelog seems promising, glad to see finally they are addressing - few necessary bugs.
Thanks for the updated version, dude. Cheers 🍻
Top-liked message: 10
raz0r 's signature
Hi friends, does anyone know how to fix this issue? when I click the pos button this error comes.
if you have 6.1 database pls send me thank

I don't know the issue, but just copy old .env file copy and past new UltimatePOS folder . its working
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I m getting 500 server error with this error in the logs any one to help me fix . seems financial_functions.php is missing but i dont understand it properly any help i will be very glade.
Call to undefined function get_financial_year() {"view":{"view":" /domain.com/Modules/Accounting/Resources/views/layouts/nav.blade.php","data":

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I m getting 500 server error with this error in the logs any one to help me fix . seems financial_functions.php is missing but i dont understand it properly any help i will be very glade.
Call to undefined function get_financial_year() {"view":{"view":" /domain.com/Modules/Accounting/Resources/views/layouts/nav.blade.php","data":

This problem is only with Accounting Module , all addons work well with mine but just this account module giving me this error. Any help i will appreciate Thanks
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after updating to a new version I am unable to delete any sale or product, is that a version glitch or am I just facing this issue? (please create the new product first to test this)
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This problem is only with Accounting Module , all addons work well with mine but just this account module giving me this error. Any help i will appreciate Thanks
i found solution incase you are also getting error like i m getting.

incase your accounting isnt working (500 server error) i found a solution to this , navigate to accounting module , Resources/views/layouts/ then add these files in there, do not delete existing file but add these files to it. I found out after installation we miss path partials , app blade, plan.blade and other blades in this file once added problem is solved.
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If anyone could also share their accounting module for proper referring and investigation on this problem i could help those having this or such issues and making it work better. But the above solution works i have tested it .


  • accouting addon.zip
    8.2 KB · Views: 81
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anyone guide me how to update 6.1 to 6.2 without losing any files
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<h2> License Details - <code>{{$module_display_name}} Module</code><br/><small class="text-danger"> Make sure to provide correct licensing information</small></h2>
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anyone there to guide , how to update without losing files 6.1 to 6.2
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