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Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system

NULLED Ultimate POS - Best ERP, Stock Management, Point of Sale and Invoicing system 6.5 NULLED

Ultimate Pos

succesfful - InventoryManagement but showing install / delete only cant install when give on cpanel true entire system not working
successful Whatsapp but showing install / delete only cant install when give on cpanel true entire system not working

anyone can help me on this

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Great Thank you very much
Hey Bro, How do you add whatsapp and other thirdparty modules?
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you are making a mistake in the json , you are ending it up with " which should not be there as such , what its should just stand alone without any comments , example it should be in this way "inventory" : true and looking at the previous json customdashboard should be true, and make sure the inventory side is just true without any comment. You can the difference is customdashboard has a commar and inventory has not commar (,) . Enjoy
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After installed UltimatePOS 6.1, I tried to create account but could not create account, no error given, not even a single error and i can not login. Please anyone with successful installation tips will be appreciated. Thanks
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you are making a mistake in the json , you are ending it up with " which should not be there as such , what its should just stand alone without any comments , example it should be in this way "inventory" : true and looking at the previous json customdashboard should be true, and make sure the inventory side is just true without any comment. You can the difference is customdashboard has a commar and inventory has not commar (,) . Enjoy
Great it Works .......Really thank you very much
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After installed UltimatePOS 6.1, I tried to create account but could not create account, no error given, not even a single error and i can not login. Please anyone with successful installation tips will be appreciated. Thanks
send me a screenshot let me help you do it
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Great it Works .......Really thank you very much
You are welcome
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After installed UltimatePOS 6.1, I tried to create account but could not create account, no error given, not even a single error and i can not login. Please anyone with successful installation tips will be appreciated. Thanks
place /business/register at the end of your url like www.yoursite.com/business/register
then you can register.

To reset password or change password from database, do this:
  1. Open PHPMyAdmin
  2. Go to POS database
  3. Open users table
  4. For the user for which you want to change the password, in the password field put
  5. The password will get changed to 123456

Changing Username:​

Username once added can’t be edited from the interface.
However, you can change it from the users’ table in the database.
Search for the needed user name in the table and change it to required.
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After installed UltimatePOS 6.1, I tried to create account but could not create account, no error given, not even a single error and i can not login. Please anyone with successful installation tips will be appreciated. Thanks

try this

username = [email protected] Password = 12345678
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anyone got Fieldforce and whatsapp please kindly share me
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place /business/register at the end of your url like www.yoursite.com/business/register
then you can register.

To reset password or change password from database, do this:
  1. Open PHPMyAdmin
  2. Go to POS database
  3. Open users table
  4. For the user for which you want to change the password, in the password field put
  5. The password will get changed to 123456

Changing Username:​

Username once added can’t be edited from the interface.
However, you can change it from the users’ table in the database.
Search for the needed user name in the table and change it to required.
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try this

username = [email protected] Password = 12345678
Didn't work rather, it remove login page and redirect to home and display 404 error page.
But i checked error log, here is the error: " /vendor/spatie/laravel-permission/src/Exceptions/PermissionDoesNotExist.phpLine:11Message:There is no permission named `sell.view` for guard `web`", what is the solution
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send me a screenshot let me help you do it
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You are welcome
it's just the normal ultimatepos page. Here is my error log: " /vendor/spatie/laravel-permission/src/Exceptions/PermissionDoesNotExist.phpLine:11Message:There is no permission named `sell.view` for guard `web` " will appreciate solution tips
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Didn't work rather, it remove login page and redirect to home and display 404 error page.
But i checked error log, here is the error: " /vendor/spatie/laravel-permission/src/Exceptions/PermissionDoesNotExist.phpLine:11Message:There is no permission named `sell.view` for guard `web`", what is the solution
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it's just the normal ultimatepos page. Here is my error log: " /vendor/spatie/laravel-permission/src/Exceptions/PermissionDoesNotExist.phpLine:11Message:There is no permission named `sell.view` for guard `web` " will appreciate solution tips
Remember, when you can redo something, do so instead of just correcting errors. One error resolved often leads to another.

try to reinstall again from scratch.
Intruder 's signature
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Ultimate Pos Please kindly Guide me how to add own Language which is not listed

I Need Fieldforce model please anycan please share me
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Ultimate Pos Please kindly Guide me how to add own Language which is not listed

I Need Fieldforce model please anycan please share me

Setting default System Language​

By default, system is configured to work in English. But you can change the default language. To change the default language follow the below steps:

  1. Open .env file
  2. You will find a configuration “APP_LOCALE=en” below APP_URL. If you don’t find it then add the configuration APP_LOCALE=en below APP_URL
  3. Change the value of the above key to your desired language as per the list given below
    ‘en’ => ‘English’,
    ‘es’ => ‘Español – Spanish’,
    ‘sq’ => ‘Shqip – Albanian’,
    ‘hi’ => ‘हिंदी – Hindi’,
    ‘nl’ => ‘Dutch’,
    ‘fr’ => ‘Français – French’,
    ‘de’ => ‘Deutsch – German’,
    ‘ar’ => ‘Arabic – العَرَبِيَّة’Or if you have added a new language then add the language ISO code.

Changing your Language Preference​

To change your display language go to “Profile -> My Profile -> Language”

Select the language you want to use and save it. This will change all texts to your preferred language.

Editing existing translations​

Sometimes the translations can be improved to make it better understandable.

  • To edit existing language translations – go to resources/lang/{language_iso_code}/
  • For modules: To Add/Edit transactions go to Modules/{Module_name}/Resources/lang/{language_iso_code}
  • Here you will find files almost grouped based on the pages. Edit the string you want to change and save it.
  • If you make improvements to the language file, please do share it with us. We will update it the codebase so that it is useful to others too. Email: [email protected]

Translate language for login or register interface​

Go to config/app.php and change the value of “locale” to the specified language iso code.

Adding new language​

  1. Create a new directory for the language inside “/resources/lang/”. Name of directory should follow language_iso_code
  2. Copy the files from /resources/lang/en/ to the directory you created.
  3. Open the individual files, translate and save it.
  4. Go to public/js/lang. Create a new file with name “.js”, copy all content from en.js and add corresponding translations.
  5. Open config/constants.php and add the new language in the “langs” array.
  6. If you add any new languages, please do share the files with us. We will include it in our updates. We will acknowledge you for adding any new language. Email us at: [email protected] . Thank you in advance.
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