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MailWizz - Email Marketing Application System

NULLED MailWizz - Email Marketing Application System 2.6.5 NULLED

raz0r updated MailWizz - Email Marketing Application System with a new update entry:

MailWizz 2.4.3 NULLED

--- Version 2.4.3 - 2024-02-05
[ADD] - Added the new interactive command named delete-email-blacklist-by-criteria that deletes the email blacklists based on a date range and reason criteria
[ADD] - Added ability to set the IP Pool for Sendgrid delivery servers
[BUG] - The campaigns could not be deleted in the backend and cli if the customer owning it would have "Can delete own campaigns" set to No. This was corrected
[BUG] - The campaigns share stats were sent only to the first email...

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raz0r 's signature
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After upgrade work for one day and after that:
  • {"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}
Then I try that code license: nullcave.cluxxxxxxxxxx was before.., then xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx then show the error below:
  • Client error: `POST https://www.mailwizz.com/api/license/verify` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response:{"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","sta (truncated...
Can some one help me? @raz0r
Last edited:
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After upgrade work for one day and after that:
  • {"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}
Then I try that code license: nullcave.cluxxxxxxxxxx was before.., then xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx then show the error below:
  • Client error: `POST https://www.mailwizz.com/api/license/verify` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response:{"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","sta (truncated...
Can some one help me? @raz0r
Later, update folder wasn't nulled.
raz0r 's signature
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After upgrade work for one day and after that:
  • {"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","status":"error"}
Then I try that code license: nullcave.cluxxxxxxxxxx was before.., then xxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx then show the error below:
  • Client error: `POST https://www.mailwizz.com/api/license/verify` resulted in a `422 Unprocessable Entity` response:{"errors":{"license_key":"Please provide the license key in the right format and length"},"message":"General error","sta (truncated...
Can some one help me? @raz0r
Open file apps\common\components\helpers\LicenseHelper.php

And replace all code with this:

Then activate.
raz0r 's signature
Top-liked message: 32
raz0r updated MailWizz - Email Marketing Application System with a new update entry:

MailWizz 2.4.4 NULLED

--- -------------------------------------------
--- Version 2.4.4 - 2024-02-13
--- -------------------------------------------

[ADD] - Add ability for customers to select if they want to receive DNS details via email for Sending Domains
[ADD] - Added the ability to restrict the number of the responses per responder for a survey.
[BUG] - Fixed a bug preventing subscriber values to be set on copy/move actions

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raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated MailWizz - Email Marketing Application System with a new update entry:

MailWizz 2.4.5 NULLED

Version 2.4.5 - 2024-03-18
[BUG] - REMOTE_CONTENT tag would not parse DS_* tags
[ENH] - Pass the server to all parsing functions that can make use of it
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_cache_key filter hook to set the cache key for when fetching the content of REMOTE_CONTENT tag
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_use_cache filter hook to decide if the content fetched from the remote url will be CACHED or not
[CHG] - Headers for bounces...

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raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: konadia, Tawfiq and Peter55
raz0r 's signature
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raz0r 's signature
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Reactions: chev_chelios, MarkDragon and Tawfiq