--- Version 2.3.9 - 2023-12-04
[BUG] - Fix bulk delete of email blacklist when not all selected records would be deleted
[CHG] - Abuse complaints will be stored per customer specific blacklist if/when the feature is enabled, otherwise, they will stay in the global blacklist
[ADD] - Added SMTP server type for GreenArrow
[CHG] - XML and JSON feeds will not use cache if they contain dynamic tags in their attributes
[ADD] - Added campaign_model_postpone_seconds_count filter hook
[ADD] - Ability to send an email notification to the customer with the DNS Records to add, when a sending domain is created in the backend
[ADD] - Added {user|customer}_login_remember_me_default_value filter hooks to determine if the remember me checkbox at login is checked or not by default
[ADD] - Added a new command: delete-expired-sessions, to delete expired sessions from database
[ADD] - The new delete-expired-sessions command will also run in the daily cron job, automatically
[ADD] - Added the ability to limit the number of list custom fields for customers/customer groups