Version 2.4.5 - 2024-03-18
[BUG] - REMOTE_CONTENT tag would not parse DS_* tags
[ENH] - Pass the server to all parsing functions that can make use of it
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_cache_key filter hook to set the cache key for when fetching the content of REMOTE_CONTENT tag
[ADD] - Added campaign_remote_content_tag_fetch_content_use_cache filter hook to decide if the content fetched from the remote url will be CACHED or not
[CHG] - Headers for bounces, complaints, etc, will now be html decoded during the parsing process by the bounce handler
[ENH] - Add support for PKCS#8 beside PKCS#1 BUT force PKCS#1 for compatibility reasons
[BUG] - Fix for gmail unsubscribe request due to the fact that it is not following redirects
[MSC] - Overall fixes
[UPD] - Updated composer packages