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Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration

Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration 5.0.1


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Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration - by Ossolution Team

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Events Booking is the most powerful Joomla! events registration/events manager extension. It has everything you need to create, display any type of event, handle registration, get paid from registrants via online payment gateways such as PayPal, Authorize.net, Stripe, Worldpay, 2Checkout...

Nested Categories​

Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infinite categories and subcategories:

  • Unlimited...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Download OS Events Booking v4.2.1 - Joomla Events Registration

1. Compatible with Joomla 4.2.0 and 4.2.1
There is a small backward incompatible change in Joomla 4.2.0 causing fatal error in Events Booking older version and this version fixed it. If you are using Joomla 4.2.0 (and upcoming Joomla 4.2.1 release), please update to this latest version of Events Booking to make sure the extension works well with that Joomla version.

2. Full Event Notification Plugin
We added Events Booking - Full Event Notification to allow sending...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Download OS Events Booking v4.3.0 - Joomla Events Registration

Download OS Events Booking v4.3.0 - Joomla Events Registration
1. Export Registrants Template

This new feature allows you to have different export registrants templates. For each export template, you can control:
- The fields you want to be exported with that template
- The order of these fields
After adding export templates, you can choose to use the export template you want while exporting registrants. The registrants data will then be exported using the format/rule defined in the...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

OS Events Booking v4.4.1 - Joomla Events Registration

New version of Events Booking 4.4.1 with the following improvements and some small bugs fixes:

1. Export Registrants Improvements
- Support Export Templates while exporting registrants from frontend registrants management
- Add options to allow exporting more fields: Tax Rate, Language.

2. Custom Fees Improvement
- If you are using custom fee fields and want to show fee value associated with each custom fields (usually in invoice or in email messages), it is now...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Events Booking v4.4.3 - Joomla Events Registration

Announce new version of Events Booking 4.4.3 . This release contains some small improvements and bugs fixes as listed below

1. Coupons Improvement
- Better combination between categories and events assignment for coupon. See Common Coupon Assignment Setup for same common setup documentation. It is much more flexible than before.
- If you assign coupon to a category...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Events Booking v4.4.5 - Joomla Events Registration

New version of Events Booking 4.4.5 . This release contains some small improvements listed below:

1. Support Mass Mail Templates

You can now setup mass mail templates. Then when you send mass mail to registrants, you can choose the one of the
existing templates instead of always have to type the email message manually.

2. Added Events Booking - Assign Checked In Registrants To User Groups plugin plugin

This plugin allows assigning registrants to the user groups you...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

JoomDonation Events Booking v4.5.1

Release of Events Booking, version 4.5.1. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Support Custom Field Dependency On Ticket Types

If you use Ticket Types, you usually want to collect different information base on the ticket types which users choose for their registration. This is now possible. When you add/edit a custom field, you can choose the Ticket Types which the custom field depend on and the custom field will only be displayed if users choose the...

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[17-October-2023] Events Booking version 4.6.1 releases was created by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Today, I am happy to announce next release of Events Booking, version 4.6.1. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Compatible with Joomla 5.0 Native

Joomla 5 is planned to be released later today. We did final testing and make sure Events Booking compatible with Joomla 5.0 native (without requiring backward compatible plugin). So if you want to update your site to Joomla 5, Events Booking is already compatible

2. Improve Events Booking - Move Registrants Plugin

You can now control what event you want to enable moving waiting list users to become registrants automatically when someone cancels his registration for the event (instead of it is processed for all events like before).

3. Improve Multilingual
If your site is a multilingual website, you can now use different datetime format (Event Date Format, Date Format, Time Format), each format for a language.

4. Improve Registrants Management
- Allow filtering for registration records base selected ticket types
- Allow controlling number of records per page on frontend Registrants Management
- Allow Exporting Registration Cancel Date on Export Registrants

5. New Payment Plugin Added

We added supported for a new payment plugin called PostFinance checkout.postfinance.ch/

6. Bugs Fixes
- Make sure category image is being displayed on category menu item type (it did not work on Joomla 4 due to change in format of the selected image filename)
- On frontend edit registrant screen, only show events which users has permission to assign registrant to (basically, only show events which the user created on events dropdown)
- Fixed Add To Cart button not working on upcoming events module Grid Layout
- Fixed Google Map not being displayed on some special cases.
- Fixed QRCODE not working on registration complete page

Please update your site to this latest package of Events Booking to use these improvements and bugs fixes. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development


  • com_eventbooking_4.6.1.zip
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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

OS Events Booking v4.6.1

Next release of Events Booking, version 4.6.1. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Compatible with Joomla 5.0 Native

Joomla 5 is planned to be released later today. We did final testing and make sure Events Booking compatible with Joomla 5.0 native (without requiring backward compatible plugin). So if you want to update your site to Joomla 5, Events Booking is already compatible

2. Improve Events Booking - Move Registrants Plugin

You can now control...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Events Booking v4.7.0 - Joomla Events Registration

Next release of Events Booking, version 4.7.0. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Allow sending additional reminder emails

By default, Events Booking allows you to send up to 3 reminders emails. However, sometime, you might need to send more number of reminder emails than that. We added a hidden tool to allow you send up to 6 reminder emails. Follow instructions on this page ...

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Dear Admin
Events Booking, version 4.8.0. is available now
Kindly update
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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

OS Events Booking 5.0.0

1. Drop Support For Joomla 3

- Raise minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.0
- Raise minimum Joomla version requirement to 4.2.0
- Clean up code, remove the code which is needed to support Joomla 3
- Use latest Joomla API available for Joomla 4.2.0+
- Drop Support For Twitter Bootstrap 2 and Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Convert plugins in the extension to use Subscriber Interface (available on Joomla 4+), thus make these plugins work faster

We will still maintain support for Joomla 3, but mostly...

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raz0r updated Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration with a new update entry:

Events Booking 5.0.1

1. Improve SQL field type

Allow setting Prompt Text (use as the first option for the field). For example, if you create custom field to display list of users, you can set Prompt Text to Select User to make it more clear for your users.

2. Allow controlling when to show Number Registered Users for your event

Sometime, you only want to show Number Registered User for your event it is greater than certain value (you do not want visitors know that the event...

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