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Events Booking


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Member Plus

Intuitive Dashboard​

From the dashboard you can see registration statistics (Today, Yesterday, This week, Last week, This month...), upcoming events, and latest registrants. You can also use quick icons to access to:
  • Configuration
  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Events
  • Manage Locations
  • Manage Coupons
  • Manage Custom Fields
  • Manage Payment Plugins
  • Manage Emails Messages
  • Manage Registrants
  • Export Registrants
  • Mass Mail Registrants
  • Manage Countries
  • Manage States
  • Translation
  • Permissions Configuration
  • Update Events Booking

Create, Manage Events​

Create any type of event in minutes, from both administrator and frontend of your website.
  • Free or paid events.
  • Limited or unlimited number registrants.
  • Fixed start date or a TBC (to be confirmed) date.
  • Enable or disable registration (display only events).
  • Use cut off date to stop accepting registration after certain date.
  • Use registration start date to only accept registration from certain date.
  • Registration handled on site or on external website.
  • Private events: Users can only register for the event if they know event password.
  • Featured Events: The events will be displayed on top of events list.
  • Event can be assigned to multiple categories.

Locations/Venues Management​

Create locations/venues and assign it to your event to let your users know where your event will be organized on a map using Google Map or OpenStreetMap.
  • Easy location/venue creation by dragging the marker on the map. When you move the marker on the map, the address of location will be updated automatically.
  • Auto-complete/suggestion location address as you type.
  • Display event location/venue on a event details page.
  • Menu option to display location/venue information (name, address, description, image...) and all events from that location.
  • Get direction to a location/venue.

Manage Registrants​

  • View registrants list, search for registrant base first_name, last_name, organization, transaction_id..., filter registrants from a selected event...
  • Add/edit registration record, add more registrants into an existing group registration.
  • Approve offline payment registration (after receiving payment from registrants).
  • Export/Import registrants to/from Excel, CSV file.
  • Sending mass mail to registrants of an event or to selected registrants.
  • Resend email (in case registrants don't receive it for some reasons).
  • Checkin registrants, download invoices, tickets, certificates if needed.
  • Cancel Registration, Issue Refund if needed.

Modern, Fast Loading Calendar​

Display your events on calendar to allow users to browse for events on selected Month, Week or Day.
  • Support two types of Calendar: Monthly Calendar and Full Calendar.
  • Super fast page load while events are fetched in a new Ajax process.
  • Users can navigate easily to find events from the month, year they want.

Beautiful, Mobile Friendly, Responsive Layouts​

  • Support most popular frontend frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap 2, 3, 4, 5 and UIKIT 3.
  • Adapt itself to work with any templates, so you can use any template you like.
  • 5 layouts options to display events: Timeline, Default (list),Columns (grid), Table and events grouped by category.
  • Modules to display upcoming events, categories, locations, events map, mini calendar...
  • Content plugin to display events from a category, a certain event, registration form on a Joomla article, K2 item....

Support 50+ Payment Gateways​

Configure your preferred payment gateways to receive payments from your registrants when they register for your event.
  • The most popular payment gateways: PayPal, Authorize.net, Eway, Worldpay and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
  • Other payment gateways such as PayPal Pro, Stripe, 2Checkout, Payfast, Authorize.net SIM (Server integration method) , Mollie... are paid payment plugins, cost 24.99$. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available paid payment plugins.
  • Each event can use different payment gateways if required.

Recurring Events​

Create multiple instances of same event
  • Recur events daily, weekly, monthly, and set of dates.
  • Each child event is an independent event with it's own registrants, registration form, tickets.
  • Update parent event can update information of all children events.

Smart Multilingual​

We could be proud to say that we have the smartest solution for multilingual in Joomla!. If your site is a multilingual website, you can translate everything in Events Booking(categories, events, form fields, email messages, language items...) to all the used languages.

Flexible Pricing​

The price which registrants have to pay while registering for your event can be configured in many different way.
  • Single Price: A cost is applied to each participant/user registering to the event.
  • Group Registration Rate: Determine price for each user depends on number of group members.
  • Fixed Group Pricing: Fixed price for whole group, not depends on number of group members.

Multiple Discount Options​

Give discount for your registrants base on user groups they belong to and the date they register for the event
  • Early Bird Discount: Get discount if register before certain date.
  • Members Discount: Give discount for users have account on your site and belong to the selected user groups. Each user group can have different discount amount if required.
  • Bundles Discount: Get discount if registering for all selected events.
  • Late Fee: Charge additional fee if users register after certain date.

Flexible Coupons System​

Create coupon codes to give discount to registrants whenever you want.
  • Discount Type: Fixed Amount or Percent.
  • Coupon can be assigned to all or selected events/categories.
  • Limit number of times the coupon can be used.
  • Limit number of times the coupon can be used by each registrant.
  • Specify duration (from date - to date) a coupon can be used.
  • Export/Import coupons to/from CSV/Excel file.
  • Batch Coupons: Generate any number of coupons with single click.

Multiple Registration Options​

  • Individual Registration allow registering for one user.
  • Group Registration allow registering for several users in a group. With group registration rate setup, admin can give discount for group registration base on number of group members: the more members in group, the more discount.
  • Shopping Cart allows adding any events into cart and register for multiple events within one checkout.

Powerful Custom Fields​

Create custom fields to collect any information you want from your registrants.
  • Support 17 field types: Text, Url, Email, Number, Tel, Range, Textarea, List (Select), Checkboxes, Radio, Date, Heading, Message, File, Countries, State, SQL.
  • Each custom field can be assigned to all, one or several selected events (or categories).
  • Conditional Fields: Show hide a custom field base on selected value of another custom field.
  • Custom field quantity: Limit each option in a custom field (Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multiple select) to a certain number you want.

Custom Fee Fields​

An unique, very powerful feature of Events Booking allows you to charge registrants different registration fee base on what they choose/enter on registration form. It makes Events Booking become very flexible and can handle almost all kinds of registration fee calculation.
  • Single selection (Radio/Single Select). For example, registrant type with 3 options: Adult 100$, Student 90$, Children 30$.
  • Multiple selections (Checkboxes/Multiple Select). For example: Lunch(+100$), Wifi (+10$).
  • Text fee field. For example a textbox to allow entering number of tickets, each ticket cost 50$, if registrant enters 2 into that textbox, he will be charged 100$.
  • Setup fee formula using math operators +,-/*,/ to calculate fee base on muliple custom fields.

Multiple Ticket Types​

Emails Notification​

PDF Tickets​

PDF Invoices​

Tax Support​

Define tax rate for each event to charge tax for registration

Issue Certificates​

You can config the system to generate certificates for your registrants of each event. Registrants can download their certificates after the event finished (from Registration History or via download link sent via email)

Frontend Managements​

Configure the system to allow users with proper permission to to submit, manage [their own] events, registrants and locations from frontend of your website.

Cancel Registration​

If enabled, registrants of an event can cancel their registration before certain date (setup for each event) to allow other users to register to replace that slot.

Deposit Payment​

Enable deposit payment for an event will allow registrants pay upfront fee (determined by admin) while registering and pay remaining fee later (online payment or manually at the event).

Waiting List​

Enable waiting list allows users to join waiting list of an event when it is full. Later, if someone cancels the registration, admin can move these waiting lists users into registrants


  • com_eventbooking_5.0.0.zip
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[13-November-2024] Events Booking version 5.0.2 releases was created by Tuan Pham Ngoc
Dear customers !

Today, I am happy to announce the next major release of Events Booking, version 5.0.0. Below are the improvements in this release:

1. Added Task - Events Booking House Keeping plugin

This plugin allows you to create schedule tasks to clean up Events Booking database and storage like deleting old invoices, tickets, certificates, remove registration records which use online payment methods but did not process payment...

+ Events Booking - Delete Old Invoices: If you enable invoice feature in Events Booking, for each registration, the system will create a PDF invoice and store in on a folder on server. Creating the schedule task for this task will help removing
these old invoices to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Tickets: This allows deleting old PDF tickes to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete PDF Certificates: This allows deleting old PDF certificates to save server disk space.
+ Events Booking - Delete Incomplete Payment Registrations: This allows removing registration records choose to use online payment methods such as PayPal, Stripe.... but did not complete payment (payment is failed, ignore...) after certain number of days
+ Events Booking - Clean Emails Log: This allows deleting email log records which are older than certain number of days.

2. Improve Full Calendar Menu Item Type

- Added Show Filter Bar parameter. If set to Yes, a filter will be displayed above calendar to allow searching, filtering events by category, location. See how it works on the demo site demo.joomdonation.com/eventsbooking/calendar/calendar-modern

3. SEO Improvements

Added Robots setting for category and event.

4. Other Improvements

- Improve User Registration Integration: Added Use Email As Username config option. If set to Yes, users can use email as username when create a new user account through event registration form

- Added Interval parameter to Improve Advanced Events Slider Module to allow control the auto play interval duration of the slider

- Improve Event Details Page: Display Event Custom Fields on event details page of parent event.

- Added config option to allow controlling invoice page format.

- Allow disable sending ICS file for individual event.

- Improve Events Booking - Webhook plugin: Added parameter to allow sending registrant data to external URL even for offline payment registration which are still Pending.

- Show image preview of the uploaded image file on Registrants Management screen

5. Updated Payment Plugins

- Some payment plugins like SaferPay Json, Stripe, Stripe Checkout were being updated to latetst version of their provided library to make sure it is fully compatible with current PHP versions
- Updated Clover Hosted Checkout payment plugin to only pass address data to Clover if address field is collected on registration form

5. Bugs Fixes:
- Fixed voucher not working due to a bug in 5.0.1
- Fixed sponsor not being displayed on slider layout of Sponsor plugin
- Fixed pagination link not working on search result page (due to some changes in Joomla 5.2.0)

Please update your site to this latest version of Events Booking to use these improvements. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development


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    13.5 MB · Views: 25
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Reactions: rizalconsultingid
1. Improve Categories Layout

Added Category Description Characters Limit parameter to allow limiting number of characters displayed for category description in the list if needed.

2. Improve Search Filter

In case you enable search filters to allow filters events by category, location, duration... at the top of event list, now you can set Show Reset Button config option to Yes to have Reset button displayed to allow users to reset the filter options

3. Improve Multilingual

Allow translating User Email Subject for each event.

4. Improve Registrants List Menu Item Type

If you create menu item to display registrants of certain event, you can now choose to only display registrants with certain status like Paid/Pending... in menu item parameter

5. Allow Using Custom Fields For Category

If you want to create custom fields to store more information about category (same as Events Custom Field), it is now supported. However, it is only for developer only feature. Mean the system allows you to create custom fields for category but it is not being displayed on frontend. If you want to have it to be displayed at certain place, you will need to customize the layout yourself

6. Improve Registrants Management

If you create custom fields to allow users to upload images on Registration Form and configure it to be displayed in Registrants Management screen, the system will display thumbnail of the uploaded image there. Click on the thumbnail will show the uploaded image, so it allows you to easier seeing the image uploaded by registrants.

7. Technical Changes

We continue working to use latest code provided by Joomla API to make sure the system continue working well with future Joomla releases. On this release, we refactor code in the extension to use Joomla Web Assets Manager API to load Javascript/ CSS code uses in the extension.

Please update your site to this latest version of Events Booking to use these improvements. Thanks for continue using our products and support our development.
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