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Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration

Events Booking - Joomla Events Registration 5.0.1

Event Booking.png

Events Booking is the most powerful Joomla! events registration/events manager extension. It has everything you need to create, display any type of event, handle registration, get paid from registrants via online payment gateways such as PayPal, Authorize.net, Stripe, Worldpay, 2Checkout...

Nested Categories​

Events Booking allows you to organize your events cross infinite categories and subcategories:

  • Unlimited categories and category levels.
  • One event can be assigned to one or different categories.

Creating, managing events from both backend and frontend of your site​

  • Events can be free or paid events.
  • Events can be used for registration or just for displaying purpose.
  • You can create both one time or recurring events. For recurring events, different recurring types are supported: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly.
  • Event can have a fixed start date or a TBC (to be confirmed) date.
  • Use Joomla core ACL to handle who can view and register for your events.

Built-in Calendar​

Users can browse for your events in a nice, responsive calendar:

  • Monthly layout allows viewing all events in the selected month.
  • Weekly layout allows you to view all events in a selected week.
  • Daily layout allows you to view all events in a selected date.
  • Events can have different color in the calendar (based on the category which it is assigned to).
  • 6 different calendar themes to choose from : Default, Dark, Fire, Leaf, Ocean, Sky.
  • Easy switching between Monthly, Weekly and Daily layout.
  • Calendar Legend is also available.

Nice, clean, responsive layout. Support multiple frontend framework (Twitter Bootstrap 2, 3, 4, 5 and UIKIT3)​

That means your users can browse and register for your events on PC, Laptop, Ipad, Smart phones.....

Different layouts to display events to your end users​

  • Calendar page to display events in calendar.
  • Upcoming events page to display list of up-coming events.
  • Categories page to display list of categories (and sub-categories).
  • Category page to display list of events in a category. Different layouts available: Default (list) layout, Columns (Grid) layout, Table and Calendar layout.
  • Location page to display list of events of from a location.
  • Event detail page to display information of event.
  • You can use content plugins come with the extension to display detail information of an event or registration form in a Joomla article.

Powerful, Flexible events registration handling​

  • For each event, you can enable Individual Registration, Group Registration, Both or Disable Registration(mean event just used for display purpose).
  • You can enable shopping cart feature so that your users can register for different events within one checkout
  • You can limit number of registrants for each event(0 mean no limit).
  • Use cut off date setting to only allow registration before a certain date
  • You can activate waiting list feature so that when event is full, users can join waiting list. Then when someone cancel registration, you can enable users from this waiting list to join again.
  • You can activate registration cancellation feature so registrants can cancel their registration if something happens and they could not attend your event

Flexible Pricing Structure​

  • You can set up individual price for each event(0 mean free).
  • You can setup group registration rates so that registrants will receive more discount (cheaper price) if they register for more number of registrants.
  • You can use early bird discount to give registrants discount if they register for the event before certain date. You can also use members discount feature to give discount for members on your site (different group members can get different discount rates).
  • Price for registration can be fixed price or calculated by the options which registrants choose on registration form during their registration (using powerful custom fee field feature).
  • You can setup fixed group registraiton rate so that price for registration doesn't belong group members.

Custom, flexible registration form​

  • Integrate Joomla account registration (optional).
  • You can choose which fields you want to use on individual registration, for group members, group billing form.
  • You can create un-limited custom fields to collect any information you want from registrants.
  • Each event can have its own, independent set of custom fields.
  • Support 9 different types of custom fields: Textbox, Textarea, Dropdown, Multi-Select, Checkbox List, Radiolist, Datetime, Heading, Message.
  • Conditional custom fields feature is supported.
  • With custom fee field feature, the price which users will have to pay can be calculated based on what users choose on registration form.

Support 40+ payment gateways​

  • The most popular payment gateways: Paypal, Authoroize.net, Eway, Worldpay and Offline payment plugins come with the extension by default.
  • Other payment gateways such as 2Checkout, Authorize.net SIM (Server integration method) ,Google Checkout, First Data, iDEAL Mollie are released as separate payment plugins. See Payment Plugins tab to see list of available payment plugins.
  • If you need a payment plugin which is not supported, you can contact us and we will give you quotation for the development.

Powerful Emails Notification System​

  • Notification Emails sent to administrator when someone register for an event or submit event from front-end(the emails which receives notification is configurable, multiple emails is possible - separated by comma). Please note that you can use different notification emails for different events.
  • Confirmation Emails sent to users when they register for an event or their registration is approved by admin (in case they use offline payment).
  • Mass Mails feature allows admin to send emails to all registrants of a selected event.
  • Reminder emails sent to registrants (automatically by the system) to remind them X-days before the event started.
  • Notification email sent to administrator when registrants cancel his registration.
  • All email messages are customizable.

Multilingual support​

Events Booking comes with a true multilingual support. You can translate categories, events, custom fields to different languages easily if your site is multilingual.
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Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Events Booking 5.0.1

    1. Improve SQL field type Allow setting Prompt Text (use as the first option for the field)...
  2. OS Events Booking 5.0.0

    1. Drop Support For Joomla 3 - Raise minimum PHP requirement to 7.4.0 - Raise minimum Joomla...
  3. Changelog for Events Booking Joomla 4.9.3


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