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OS Services Booking

OS Services Booking 2.22.4

What's new in OS Services Booking version 2.22.4

1. Add OSB Zoom plugin

This plugin allows you to customers automatically to the a Zoom Meeting/Webinar you want.

Enable and Configure the plugin
  • Go to Extensions -> Plugins, find and enable the plugin OS Services Booking - Zoom
  • Follow instructions at Create a Server-to-Server OAuth app , create a new Server-to-Server OAuth app. In step 6, please enable all permissions for Meeting and Webinar.
  • Find the following parameters from the app which you created and enter it into the OS Services Booking - Zoom App plugin parameters.
  • If you want to add customer to a meeting, enter Meeting ID of that meeting into Meeting ID parameter.
  • If you want to add customer to a webinar, enter Webinar ID of that meeting into Webinar ID parameter.
2. Code Improvements
  • Improve code for backend and frontend to reduce repeating code and help future development faster.
  • Remove the usages of deprecated Table::getInstance method. This is to make sure the extension continue working well with future releases of Joomla when the deprecated method is removed.

3. Improve frontend layouts
There are some layouts improved like Employees listing, Orders history, Monthly calendars or Orders management layouts

4. Bugs fixed
In each new version, we always improve and fix errors arising from old versions, they are errors coming from source code, logic errors discovered by our development team or due to notifications from our customers. This makes OS Services Booking increasingly powerful and more applicable.