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I can check it if you want,
is it on your localhost or in live server?
If it is on live server then specify the customization / correction in details i will customise it in localhost and send you the replaceable files.
I can check it if you want,
is it on your localhost or in live server?
If it is on live server then specify the customization / correction in details i will customise it in localhost and send you the replaceable files.
Prefill the project title with the invoice id of the client's most recent (paid or partly paid invoice)
If no such invoice exists, the title will be left blank
I can check it if you want,
is it on your localhost or in live server?
If it is on live server then specify the customization / correction in details i will customise it in localhost and send you the replaceable files.
For customizations, you may just want to actually buy the product or hire a dev. What you are asking for is really simple but where it would become a problem is when you update the script.
For customizations, you may just want to actually buy the product or hire a dev. What you are asking for is really simple but where it would become a problem is when you update the script.
You can add discount to estimates and invoices in percent. While adding/editing invoice or estimate you need to choose the discount type. You can choose to apply the discount before or after tax from the dropdown menu in advanced settings. Then navigate to the bottom of the page where total is...
Create new tax Perfex CRM gives you the ability to add unlimited tax rates on your invoices/estimates/proposals etc.. You can add new tax rates by followig the steps below: Navigate to Setup->Finance->Tax Rates. Click on the top left button New Tax Enter tax name Enter tax ra
For specific needs like that you are better off just actually purchasing the script and getting Perfex support to do it for you. I do not think someone on here would spend hours trying to figure how to do that for free.