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Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium

Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium 3.3.5 NULLED

License Information
To activate Premium version of the plugin, install ewd-premium-helper_nulled.zip and disable auto-update.
License key: iC41vlD8mARMiWQXzE7d
Etoile Web Design
Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium.png

Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium NULLED is a plugin that allows you to filter WooCommerce products by color, size, attribute, category or tag. Easy to set up and implement with a simple WooCommerce filter widget and WooCommerce filter shortcode.


  • Filter WooCommerce products by color, with the actual colors displayed in the widget on your shop page
  • Filter WooCommerce products by size
  • Filter products by any attribute that you have set up in WooCommerce
  • Filter products by WooCommerce categories and tags
  • Include a smart product search in the WooCommerce filtering widget
  • Add a smart table format/view to your shop page
New Gutenberg block included for displaying your WooCommerce filters!

It’s very simple and quick to set up your WooCommerce filters. Use an intuitive color picker to select the colors for your shop and then, for each product, just check the ones that apply. It works the same way for the sizes.

For the categories and tags, it’s even easier! Ultimate WooCommerce Filters automatically recognizes the categories and tags that you already have set up in WooCommerce. It’s as simple as enabling the filtering in our options. You will then automatically have all your WooCommerce categories and WooCommerce tags available as filters on your shop page.

Table format option: Ultimate WooCommerce Filters now includes a brand new table format view for your shop page. With this enabled, your main WooCommerce shop page will now display in a table format, instead of the regular thumbnail format. With options to display the product title, image, price, rating and “add to cart” button, your customers can find and compare exactly what they need as quickly and easily as possible. If using this layout, we suggest to not use the widget at the same time.

Create a powerful, effective and practical product browsing experience for your customers with the ability to filter your products by WooCommerce attributes. This is the attributes functionality that is built into WooCommerce and that you already use to provide specific information about your products. In our WooCommerce filtering options, just enable which attributes you’d like to add to the filtering widget and they’ll automatically display as filters on your WooCommerce shop page. No extra setup required. This is an incredibly useful feature that brings the WooCommerce shopping experience to a whole new level for your customers!


Ultimate WooCommerce Filters comes with a host of advanced features in the premium version that you let you further customize the filtering experience. These include advanced attribute options the table format. There are also separate layout options and functions for each type of filter, an option to display WooCommerce filter attributes under the thumbnails on your shop page, and more, there are many ways to configure your WooCommerce filters just how you need.

Ultimate WooCommerce Filters premium features include:
  • Display WooCommerce filter attributes under shop page thumbnails (e.g. adjacent to the rating stars). Gives your customers a visual indication of what’s a available for each product without having to go to the product page.
  • Specific layout options for each type of WooCommerce filter (color, size, attributes, categories and tags).
  • Add a price slider and attributes to the table format
  • Advanced options that allow you to customize the filtering functionality and experience.
  • Labelling options that allow you to quickly change the wording of specific labels.
Ultimate WooCommerce Filters is great for WooCommerce shops that want to show available product colors, such as clothing stores, sports equipment, electronics, music shops, collectibles and more. By having all your filters and your search in one place, it will save a lot of time for your WooCommerce store visitors and enhance their shopping experience.

Ultimate WooCommerce Filters is fully compatible with WPML and, as such, if you are running a WooCommerce shop in multiple languages, you can use it without any doubts.
3.3.5 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium 3.3.5 NULLED

    3.3.5 (2024-11-25) Tested with WordPress 6.7.
  2. Ultimate WooCommerce Filters Premium v3.3.2 NULLED

    3.3.2 (2023-11-07) Tested for WordPress 6.4 and WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage...

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