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MarketKing - Ultimate Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin WooCommerce

MarketKing - Ultimate Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin WooCommerce 2.0.50 NULLED

Version 2.0.50 - MarketKing Core and Pro - February 16th, 2025


- Added optional AJAX loading for backend vendors table

- Added beta WPML translation support, allowing each vendor to translate their products using WPML.
Can be disabled using add_filter('marketking_allow_wpml_translations_dashboard','__return_false');


- Fixed bug where vendor team members could not create multiple products.

- Fixed issue with file uploads during existing users' vendor application

- Fixed issue where updating a product scrolled to bottom of page

- Fixed issue where clicking update user data did not save some types of data correctly.
Version 2.0.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 23d, 2024

- Added batch processing to announcement emails.
- Improvements to permalinks stability / flushing.

- Fixed security vulnerability in MarketKing Core ( Missing Authorization ),
as disclosed by Wordfence
- Minor bug fixes
Version 2.0.00 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 3rd, 2024


- Added ability to edit order commissions directly on each order
- Added specific email compatibility with Kadence plugin
- Added PHP validation to order form

- Fixed dashboard search issues
- Fixed “per order” class shipping calculation bug
- Additional security validations
Version 1.9.80 - MarketKing Core and Pro - August 3rd, 2024
- New: Vendors can now message customers that ordered from them.

- New: Integration with OrderConvo ( https://najeebmedia.com/wordpress-plugin/wooconvo-woocommerce/ )
by Najeebmedia, https://prnt.sc/PpCoqTE8LSbo

- Enhancements to reverse commission invoices

- Added integration with Germanized plugin, giving vendors access to fields such as GTIN, MPN, Warranty, etc.

- Fixes for WPML on vendor dashboard

- Fixed order attribution bug

- Minor fixes and improvements
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Reactions: ViktorGugo
Version 1.9.60 - MarketKing Core and Pro - June 2nd, 2024
- Make products of vendors on vacation completely unpurchasable
- Fixed bug with booking products showing twice on vendor dashboard
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 1.7.80 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 4th, 2023
New features:

- Product Advertising: https://woocommerce-multivendor.com/docs/product-advertising/


- Added option to auto-include new vendor products to coupons.

- UI Enhancements


- Fixed select coloring issue in backed admin

- Minor bug and issue fixes
Version 1.4.55 - MarketKing Core and Pro - December 26th, 2022
- Added feature that allows making specific shipping methods admin-only
(in MarketKing -> Settings -> Vendor Capabilities)
- Better currency handling in vendor dashboard

- Fixed bug where payouts template could not be overwritten.
- Fixed license activation issues
- Fixed jQuery sortable JS error
- Fixed issue where product ownership could get mixed across admin users, leading to wrong split orders
- Fixed issue where sub-orders could not be completed because of payment capture errors.
- Fixed issue where tinymce editor did not load with flatsome theme
- Performance fix for site backend
- Fixed issue where products could not be added by a vendor to their own store if not purchasable
- Fixed membership packs bug where not all packs would be dispalyed
- Fixed attributes import issue
- Fixed payouts page error bug

Template Changes:
- Fix for reviews in store-page.php template
- Update memberships template to 1.0.1
Version 1.4.25 - MarketKing Core and Pro - November 4th, 2022
- Vendors can now display youtube videos on their about us page.
- Improvements to store url verification during registration
- Product slugs are now based on product names

- Fix for [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode
- Error fix when submitting reviews
- Error fix related to REST API
- Fixed bug where team members were not able to add new products
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Reactions: tatar221
Version 1.4.0 - MarketKing Core and Pro - October 12th, 2022New Features:
- Added 'Store Categories' module, allowing you to organize vendors by custom defined categories:

- Added setting that allows existing users to apply for a vendor account
(setting in MarketKing -> Settings -> Registration)
- Added option for admin to receive all tax
- Tax now visible to vendors in orders table when vendor receives tax
- Improvements to profile icons in bars and messages

- Fix for [marketking_vendors_list] shortcode
- Fixed product import issue with SKU
- Update with fix for Coupon creation in latest WooCommerce 6.9.4 version

Template changes:
- stores-list.php updated to 1.0.2 (adds support for store categories module)
- store-page.php updated to 1.1.5 (adds support for store categories module)
- sidebar.php (adds support for store categories module)
- profile-sidebar.php updated to 1.0.1 (improvements to profile icons)
- orders.php updated to 1.0.1 (adds support for tax options)
- header-bar.php updated to 1.0.2
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Reactions: tatar221