• The default language of any content posted is English.
    Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked!
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Real Cookie Banner PRO

Real Cookie Banner PRO 5.0.6 NULLED

## 3.6.4 (2023-04-24)

### fix

* compatibility with Directorist and OpenStreetMaps (CU-863ghhh2w)
* compatibility with latest IONOS performance plugin (CU-32003j3)
* notice when AMP plugin is active and scanner does not work (CU-863gjbfxp)
* storing templates from cloud: allowed memory size of bytes exhausted (CU-863ghz41w)
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Reactions: tatar221
## 3.6.3 (2023-04-19)

### chore

* add more security hashes for disabled footer (CU-332e8qr)
* introduce new UI for template center from service cloud (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* remove non-ASCII characters from POT files (CU-863gffr77)
* review 1 (CU-863gdnt50)
* start with new template center (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* update README.org text replacing Article 66 with Racital 66 (CU-861mc9hc2)

### fix

* compatibility with latest Impreza and unblocking Google Maps (CU-861mkbd3p)
* compatibility with latest RankMath version and finding Google Analytics UA and v4 with local script files enabled (CU-863gdnt50)
* compatibility with Perfmatters Minimal v4 Google Analytics embed (CU-2eggmy7)
* correctly handle async cache calculation for service cloud (CU-861me62d8)
* hook into Pretty Links plugin to only set tracking cookies when consent is given (CU-863gftjna)
* output logo URL in content-blockers route (CU-861me62d8)
* scanner does not find any Google Analytics embeds when RankMath Exclude Logged-in users option is active (CU-863gdnt50)
* theme not detected as active when using e.g. wp-content/themes/Divi (capital letter, CU-861mkuxh1)

### perf

* wp_load_alloptions called for each subsite within multisite (CU-861med012)

### refactor

* extract isPro and i18n functions to own context for reusability (CU-861me62d8)
* introduce taskfile.dev Taskfiles (CU-85zrrymj0)
* rename doNotConsiderInGroups to needsRequiredSiblingRule (CU-863gdnt50)
## 3.6.2 (2023-03-24)

### fix

* compatibility with Dejure theme and unblocking Google Maps (CU-863gac0ng)
* compatibility with Point of Sale for WooCommerce (CU-863gaceu4)

### style

* fusion builder content blocker overlaps with column content (CU-861mhr4pe)
## 3.6.1 (2023-03-21)
### chore

* introduce new service cloud to better manage service and blocker templates (WIP, CU-2mjzexr)
* update dependencies including TypeScript 4.9, antd and eslint (CU-85zrqk9pd)
* updated note on legal state of TCF (CU-861mgt18f)

### fix

* checklist item of legal links is not checked when legal links are placed manually (CU-2ep07vd)
* compatibility with Bandtheme and YouTube embeds (CU-85zrrv779)
* cookie banner pops up on every page when changing the cookie domain manually (CU-85zrrve3w)
* development docker build does sometimes not startup correctly (CU-85zrqk9pd)
* use correct release info when saving templates from cloud (CU-2mjzexr)

### refactor

* rename grunt-continuous-localization to continuous-localization and remove grunt dependency (pure bin, CU-85zrrytg6)
# 3.6.0 (2023-03-14)

### chore

* add legal notice URL to all self-hosted services (CU-2wpbbhr)
* compatibility with WordPress 6.2 (CU-861mfxmc1)
* remove unused dependencies (CU-85zrqj4jp)
* restructure .env and replace Scaleway API keys with new IAM (CU-37q5f2x)

### feat

* new field for service templates "Legal notice URL for provider" (CU-2wpbbhr)

### fix

* compatibility with 10Web Map Builder for Google Maps (CU-85zrrkfzw)
* compatibility with ThemeDraft themes and Google Maps (CU-863g65whr)
* do also base64 encode scripts in localized variable in customize preview (CU-8677knwy0)
* javascript error wp.mediaUtils is undefined and media library does not work (CU-863g6v17m)
## 3.5.3 (2023-03-01)

### fix

* compatibility with latest version of Social Feed Gallery Instagram (CU-2d8ba1v)
* compatibility with WooCommerce Blocks plugin (CU-863g5rqfp)
## 3.5.2 (2023-02-28)

### chore

* update wordpress stubs (CU-863g4efkw)

### fix
* compatibility with OSM Map Widget for Elementor (CU-861mdhpu4)
* compatibility with Supreme Maps Pro (CU-861mdakyh)
* consider 404 errors in scanner as non-error (CU-863g3v71n)
* invalid JSON int database helper class with the help of JSON5 (CU-863g4efkw)
* scanner finds OMGF inline script as Google Fonts (CU-861mdaurx)
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Reactions: tatar221
## 3.5.1 (2023-02-21)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-861mchkwt)
### fix
* apache modsecurity complains about localized JSON object when there are scripts and iframes (CU-863g375z3)
* compatibility with Elfsight Vimeo Gallery CC (CU-863g3kmfw)
* compatibility with Streamtube and YouTube videos (CU-861mcrub5)
* do not load scripts in WP Bakery edit mode (CU-861mcfwa4)
* typo in privacy policy text proposal (CU-863g3867t)
* uncaught error: Undefined constant NONCE_SALT (CU-863g3m0tm)
* validate UUID in cookie value (CU-861mchkwt)
### perf
* save creation date of cookie in cookie value instead of SQL query (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up counting and pagination in list of consents (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up reading consent history (CU-861mchkwt)
* speed up saving consent by adjusting how stats are saved (CU-861mchkwt)
### refactor
* move all user-consent relevant SQL queries to UserConsent class (CU-861mchkwt)
* streamline IP handler to use UserConsent#byCriteria (CU-861mchkwt)
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Reactions: tatar221
# 3.4.0 (2022-11-09)
### chore

* review 1 (CU-1xgphqf)

### feat
* automatic deletion of consents (CU-1xgphqf)

### fix
* compatibility with blocked content for Jet Smart Filters lazyloading (CU-332jgxy)
* compatibility with Google Maps in Sober theme (CU-332ev4y)
* compatibility with latest version of WPImmomakler
* compatibility with MapPress Google Maps (CU-32wpgv9)
* compatibility with MapsMarkerPro unblocking (CU-32wnjpu)
* compatibility with Vehica theme
* do not show preset check when editing a template in services or content blocker form (CU-2wmf0yr)
* duplicate technical definition in Vimeo and JetPack Site Stats template (CU-32wkt35, CU-332f81e)
* improved compatibility with Elementor and Elementor PRO to block individual widgets (CU-32q09j9)
* listen to elementor init with vanilla JS event listener instead of jQuery (CU-332h9tj)
* skip elementor library and skip in scanner (CU-332fn7n)
* visual content blocker not visible when using content in Kadence Blocks accordion module (CU-32pzryx)

### refactor
* improved compatibility with PHP 8.1 (CU-1y7vqm6)
* static trait access (Assets enqueue features, CU-1y7vqm6)
* static trait access (Assets handles, CU-1y7vqm6)
* static trait access (Assets types, CU-1y7vqm6)
* static trait access (Localization i18n public folder, CU-1y7vqm6)
* static trait access (Localization, CU-1y7vqm6)

### revert
* handle child themes correctly when blocked (CU-32pymrn)

### style
* full width content blocker for elementor widgets
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Reactions: tatar221