• The default language of any content posted is English.
  • Information: Safety & Support
    Resources here are generally safe, but false positives may occur on Virustotal due to certain coding techniques. Exercise caution and test before use.
    Consider buying licenses to support developers. Your security is our priority.
Real Cookie Banner PRO

Real Cookie Banner PRO 4.7.5 NULLED

## 4.7.5 (2024-04-20)

### Bug Fixes
* fatal error in Notices.php and urlencode when using array cookies e.g. my-cookie[] (CU-86949561p)
## 4.5.3 (2024-02-29)

**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.

Dependency updates @devowl-wp/deliver-anonymous-asset 0.2.67

**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous_
##### Bug Fixes

* compatibility with latest TCF stub version not loading (CU-8693ubj9a)
## 4.4.1 (2024-02-05)

### Bug Fixes
* accordions and list colors were not migrated successfully when TCF is active (CU-8693qpd7a)
# 4.0.0 (2023-11-07)

### Bug Fixes

* correct available translations in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* reload checklist when privacy policy text suggestion were updated (CU-86932cagc)
* remote language codes for cs, da and sv (CU-2gfb42y)
* typo (CU-2gfb42y)

### Build Process

* set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate (CU-2gfb4w6)
* set php-format as enforced check in weblate (CU-2gfb4w6)

### Continuous Integration

* enable machine translation for various languages (CU-2gfb42y)
* translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages (CU-861n4aer5)

### Documentation

* add synonyms of GDPR and ePrivacy Directive in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* localize links in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* rework wordpress.org plugin description for v4.0 (CU-861n7amw6)

### Features

* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)
* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)
* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)

### Maintenance

* add legal-text to some texts (CU-2gfb42y)
* add screenshots to v4 upgrade wizard (CU-2gfb42y)
* disable minimal translations in favor of full translations (CU-2gfb42y)
* merge conflict resolution (CU-2gfb42y)
* minimum required PHP version 7.4 and WP version 5.8 (CU-arvdr3)
* move translations of README.txt for wordpress.org from repository to continuous localization (CU-861n8mnx8)
* replace GDPR link to gdpr-info.eu with gdpr-text.com as source (CU-2gfb42y)
* replace go-link to GDPR text with direct link (CU-2gfb42y)

### Styling

* make images float right correctly in upgrade wizard (CU-861n7any3)


* We are happy to announce that we have now reached
another Real Cookie Banner milestone with version 4.0. Read more about
it here https://devowl.io/2023/real-cookie-banner-4-0/.
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Reactions: edgars221289
## 3.13.1 (2023-10-17)

### Bug Fixes

* edit form for content blockers resulted in blank screen (CU-8692xmztw)
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Reactions: GhRG87FGH
# 3.8.0 (2023-07-06)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 1 (CU-863h2xux4)
* review 2 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 3 (CU-861m47jgm)

### docs
* update filter documentation with more examples and use cases

### feat

* new feature to collect consent for services processing data in unsecure countries (CU-861m47jgm)

### fix
* compatibility with Elementor Popups when it gets hidden with click on the cookie banner (CU-863h3ah8x)
* compatibility with Enfold and Vimeo embeds (CU-863h48vp2)
* compatibility with fluidvids (CU-863gymp32)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* difference from template for service group is empty (CU-32wu2g8)
* elementor not shown as recommended service in scanner (CU-861mzap32)
* ignore 410 HTTP code in scanner (CU-863gzu8gh)
* introduce pagination to technical cookie information as many items could slow down the form (CU-32wu2g8)
* show notice when service is processing data in unsafe countries and the banner notice is disabled (CU-861m47jgm)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* update notice about templates could not be dismissed (CU-863h2byjk)

### refactor
* introduce custom ESLint rules ability in @devowl-wp/eslint-config (CU-863gxjbn4)
* introduce KeyValueMapOption and migrate notice states to it (CU-861m47jgm)
* move enableOptionAutoload to @devowl-wp/utils (CU-861m47jgm)

### test
* make e2e tests work again (CU-861m47jgm)
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289
## 3.6.4 (2023-04-24)

### fix

* compatibility with Directorist and OpenStreetMaps (CU-863ghhh2w)
* compatibility with latest IONOS performance plugin (CU-32003j3)
* notice when AMP plugin is active and scanner does not work (CU-863gjbfxp)
* storing templates from cloud: allowed memory size of bytes exhausted (CU-863ghz41w)
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
## 3.6.3 (2023-04-19)

### chore

* add more security hashes for disabled footer (CU-332e8qr)
* introduce new UI for template center from service cloud (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* remove non-ASCII characters from POT files (CU-863gffr77)
* review 1 (CU-863gdnt50)
* start with new template center (WIP, CU-861me62d8)
* update README.org text replacing Article 66 with Racital 66 (CU-861mc9hc2)

### fix

* compatibility with latest Impreza and unblocking Google Maps (CU-861mkbd3p)
* compatibility with latest RankMath version and finding Google Analytics UA and v4 with local script files enabled (CU-863gdnt50)
* compatibility with Perfmatters Minimal v4 Google Analytics embed (CU-2eggmy7)
* correctly handle async cache calculation for service cloud (CU-861me62d8)
* hook into Pretty Links plugin to only set tracking cookies when consent is given (CU-863gftjna)
* output logo URL in content-blockers route (CU-861me62d8)
* scanner does not find any Google Analytics embeds when RankMath Exclude Logged-in users option is active (CU-863gdnt50)
* theme not detected as active when using e.g. wp-content/themes/Divi (capital letter, CU-861mkuxh1)

### perf

* wp_load_alloptions called for each subsite within multisite (CU-861med012)

### refactor

* extract isPro and i18n functions to own context for reusability (CU-861me62d8)
* introduce taskfile.dev Taskfiles (CU-85zrrymj0)
* rename doNotConsiderInGroups to needsRequiredSiblingRule (CU-863gdnt50)
## 3.6.2 (2023-03-24)

### fix

* compatibility with Dejure theme and unblocking Google Maps (CU-863gac0ng)
* compatibility with Point of Sale for WooCommerce (CU-863gaceu4)

### style

* fusion builder content blocker overlaps with column content (CU-861mhr4pe)