## 5.0.6 (2024-12-09)
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/fast-html-tag 1.2.2</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Find tags within HTML content and modify it in speed of light_
##### Bug Fixes
* blank page on some pages with low memory (CU-8696x8wm0)
##### Performance Improvements
* speed up HTML parsing and blocking (CU-8696x8wm0)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker 1.1.3</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax_
##### Performance Improvements
* speed up HTML parsing and blocking (CU-8696x8wm0)</details>
# 4.8.0 (2024-09-26)
### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with Divi video slider and visual content blockers (CU-8695kgg74)
* compatibility with Flatsome theme and lightboxes (CU-8695hkk9h)
* compatibility with Gutenberg vimeo embeds with direct URLs instead of player.vimeo.com (CU-8695jrnud)
* compatibility with magnificPopup and YouTube urls covered also by TCF (CU-8695hkk9h)
* compatibility with SiteGround Optimizer and minificdation of files (CU-8695rputb)
* compatiblity with Advanced Backgrouns
* content blocker with connected GCM and TCF are not loaded correctly in login screen (CU-8695rjfzf)
* show a notice when a new service template covers an external URL (CU-86955xtbe)
* spelling of paragraphs in English (CU-869566d55)
### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, CU-fb1hvk)
* introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings (CU-22wkegu)
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)
* show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner (CU-118mngr)
### Maintenance
* prepare release (CU-8695kgrpr)
* remove referer workaround for Strato servers (CU-86954236z)
### Performance Improvements
* do not download service and blocker templates twice (CU-86955xtbe)
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/api-real-cookie-banner 0.14.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Shared typings for all Real Cookie Banner backend._
##### Bug Fixes
* review points 1-10 without 7 (CU-118mngr)
* review points 4 (CU-118mngr)
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* added cdn handling to service templates (CU-118mngr)
* introduce execute priority for services (CU-118mngr)
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-management 0.2.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide cookie consent management with adapters to your environment_
##### Bug Fixes
* geo-restriction does not accept new services automatically when previous consent was also implicit (CU-8695mj2kd)
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, CU-fb1hvk)
* introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings (CU-22wkegu)
* introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility (CU-866avtc01)
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)
* show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner (CU-118mngr)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/cookie-consent-web-client 0.10.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Apply cookies consent (opt-in, opt-out) to the current webpage._
##### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with magnificPopup and YouTube urls covered also by TCF (CU-8695hkk9h)
* unload event listeners are deprecated and will be removed (CU-8695mhu71)
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/customize 1.12.12</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Abstract utility for live preview (customize)_
##### Bug Fixes
* allow to pass custom parameters for sections (CU-22wkegu)
##### Maintenance
* remove referer workaround for Strato servers (CU-86954236z)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/deliver-anonymous-asset 0.2.81</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous_
##### Bug Fixes
* wp-content exists but is not writable (CU-8695rkn9g)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker 0.18.1</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Block HTML content by URLs and selector syntax_
##### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with Gutenberg vimeo embeds with direct URLs instead of player.vimeo.com (CU-8695jrnud)
* compatibility with SiteGround Optimizer and minificdation of files (CU-8695rputb)
* show a notice when a new service template covers an external URL (CU-86955xtbe)
* track rules which match the same inline script in scanner correctly (CU-86942x07f)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/headless-content-unblocker 0.8.15</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Unblock mechanism for @devowl-wp/headless-content-blocker with visual capabilities._
##### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with Divi video slider and visual content blockers (CU-8695kgg74)
* do not stop execution when a hijacked jQuery function runs into an error (CU-8695hkk9h)
##### Performance Improvements
* force to render visual content blockers for :confirm() dialogs in idle step (CU-8695xjmf6)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/multilingual 1.13.11</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide helper functionality for multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang_
##### Bug Fixes
* allow to copy content to multiple destination languages (CU-22wkegu)
* uncaught Error: Call to undefined function pll_default_language (CU-8695ugetm)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner 0.13.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services._
##### Bug Fixes
* accessibility allow to use escape listener in change/history cookie banner dialog for X-replacement (CU-8695xk0gy)
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings (CU-22wkegu)
* introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility (CU-866avtc01)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/react-cookie-banner-admin 0.14.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide admin UI for a cookie banner and content blocker for multiple services._
##### Bug Fixes
* spelling of paragraphs in English (CU-869566d55)
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, CU-fb1hvk)
* introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings (CU-22wkegu)
* introduce DSG with Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework compatibility (CU-866avtc01)
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)
* show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner (CU-118mngr)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/real-product-manager-wp-client 1.19.27</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _A WordPress client for Real Product Manager_
##### Bug Fixes
* do not invalidate license for azurewebsites.net (CU-8695h2x87)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/service-cloud-consumer 0.6.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Consume service and blocker templates from service cloud_
##### Features
* new field for services to change the technical handling execute priority (CU-8695emete)
* show an explanation when using a CDN in the scanner (CU-118mngr)
##### Performance Improvements
* do not download service and blocker templates twice (CU-86955xtbe)</details>
<details><summary>Dependency updates @devowl-wp/utils 1.19.11</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Utility functionality for all your WordPress plugins._
##### Maintenance
* remove referer workaround for Strato servers (CU-86954236z)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/api-real-product-manager 0.4.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Shared typings for all Real Commerce backend._
##### Features
* banner-less consent (cookie banner without cookie banner, CU-fb1hvk)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/continuous-integration 0.6.5</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _DevOps macros, job templates and jobs for Gitlab CI and @devowl-wp/node-gitlab-ci._
##### Bug Fixes
* provide APP_NAME and APP_VERSION in backend environment (CU-8695emete)
* restore production database dump app-versionized (CU-8695emete)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/continuous-localization 0.8.8</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a CLI to push and pull localization files from different translation management systems._
##### Bug Fixes
* retry 5 times when component is locked (CU-8695kguk7)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/iso-codes 0.6.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Enums and key value getters for all countries in different ISO code standards._
##### Features
* data processing countries group Akamai (CU-betuuk)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/monorepo-utils 0.2.5</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Predefined monorepo utilities and tasks._
##### Continuous Integration
* make public changelog generation work again with latest Taskfile version (CU-8695kgrpr)
##### Maintenance
* update retypeapp (CU-8695kgrpr)</details>
<details><summary>Development dependency update @devowl-wp/web-cookie-banner 0.7.0</summary>
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a scoped stylesheet, types and util functionality for a web cookie banner._
##### Features
* add safety mechanisms for data transmission and option to hide less relevant details (CU-86957nqtx)
* introduce a new option to generate Cookie policy in Cookies > Settings (CU-22wkegu)</details>
4.7.15 2024-08-13
Bug Fixes
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/customize 1.12.10
- make preset selector work with conditional controls on server-side internal reference #86955xtbe
- new telemetry data for scanner external URLs and how often they got found on the website internal reference #86955xtbe
Development dependency update @devowl-wp/web-cookie-banner 0.6.6
## 4.7.5 (2024-04-20)
### Bug Fixes
* fatal error in Notices.php and urlencode when using array cookies e.g. my-cookie[] (CU-86949561p)
## 4.5.3 (2024-02-29)
**Note:** This package (@devowl-wp/real-cookie-banner) has been updated because a dependency, which is also shipped with this package, has changed.
Dependency updates @devowl-wp/deliver-anonymous-asset 0.2.67
**_Purpose of dependency:_** _Provide a functionality to deliver assets anonymous_
##### Bug Fixes
* compatibility with latest TCF stub version not loading (CU-8693ubj9a)
## 4.4.1 (2024-02-05)
### Bug Fixes
* accordions and list colors were not migrated successfully when TCF is active (CU-8693qpd7a)
# 4.0.0 (2023-11-07)
### Bug Fixes
* correct available translations in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* reload checklist when privacy policy text suggestion were updated (CU-86932cagc)
* remote language codes for cs, da and sv (CU-2gfb42y)
* typo (CU-2gfb42y)
### Build Process
* set @automattic/interpolate-components as enforced check in weblate (CU-2gfb4w6)
* set php-format as enforced check in weblate (CU-2gfb4w6)
### Continuous Integration
* enable machine translation for various languages (CU-2gfb42y)
* translation completeness thresholds defined for main languages (CU-861n4aer5)
### Documentation
* add synonyms of GDPR and ePrivacy Directive in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* localize links in README.txt (CU-2gfb42y)
* rework wordpress.org plugin description for v4.0 (CU-861n7amw6)
### Features
* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)
* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)
* translations in Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Czech, Portuguese and Romanian (CU-2gfb42y)
### Maintenance
* add legal-text to some texts (CU-2gfb42y)
* add screenshots to v4 upgrade wizard (CU-2gfb42y)
* disable minimal translations in favor of full translations (CU-2gfb42y)
* merge conflict resolution (CU-2gfb42y)
* minimum required PHP version 7.4 and WP version 5.8 (CU-arvdr3)
* move translations of README.txt for wordpress.org from repository to continuous localization (CU-861n8mnx8)
* replace GDPR link to gdpr-info.eu with gdpr-text.com as source (CU-2gfb42y)
* replace go-link to GDPR text with direct link (CU-2gfb42y)
### Styling
* make images float right correctly in upgrade wizard (CU-861n7any3)
* We are happy to announce that we have now reached
another Real Cookie Banner milestone with version 4.0. Read more about
it here https://devowl.io/2023/real-cookie-banner-4-0/.
## 3.13.1 (2023-10-17)
### Bug Fixes
* edit form for content blockers resulted in blank screen (CU-8692xmztw)
# 3.8.0 (2023-07-06)
### chore
* review 1 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 1 (CU-863h2xux4)
* review 2 (CU-861m47jgm)
* review 3 (CU-861m47jgm)
### docs
* update filter documentation with more examples and use cases
### feat
* new feature to collect consent for services processing data in unsecure countries (CU-861m47jgm)
### fix
* compatibility with Elementor Popups when it gets hidden with click on the cookie banner (CU-863h3ah8x)
* compatibility with Enfold and Vimeo embeds (CU-863h48vp2)
* compatibility with fluidvids (CU-863gymp32)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* compatibility with videos in widgets in Extra theme (CU-863h5dak1)
* difference from template for service group is empty (CU-32wu2g8)
* elementor not shown as recommended service in scanner (CU-861mzap32)
* ignore 410 HTTP code in scanner (CU-863gzu8gh)
* introduce pagination to technical cookie information as many items could slow down the form (CU-32wu2g8)
* show notice when service is processing data in unsafe countries and the banner notice is disabled (CU-861m47jgm)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* uncaught Error: Class DevOwl\RealCookieBanner\lite\settings\TcfVendorConfiguration in free version (CU-863h4mazx)
* update notice about templates could not be dismissed (CU-863h2byjk)
### refactor
* introduce custom ESLint rules ability in @devowl-wp/eslint-config (CU-863gxjbn4)
* introduce KeyValueMapOption and migrate notice states to it (CU-861m47jgm)
* move enableOptionAutoload to @devowl-wp/utils (CU-861m47jgm)
### test
* make e2e tests work again (CU-861m47jgm)