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Nextend Social Login Pro Addon

Nextend Social Login Pro Addon 3.1.17 NULLED


Nextend Social Login Pro NULLED seamlessly integrates with your existing WordPress login and registration form. Existing users can add or remove their social accounts at their WordPress profile page. A single user can attach as many social account as they want allowing them to log in with Facebook, Google, Twitter or another provider.

All popular providers​

Providers are the services which the visitors can use to register and log in to your site. Nextend Social Login Pro allows your visitors to log in with their account from the most popular social networks: Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon, VKontakte, WordPress.com, Yahoo, PayPal, Disqus, Apple and more coming soon

Free version features​

  • One click registration and login via Facebook, Google and Twitter
  • Your current users can easily connect their Facebook, Google or Twitter profiles with their account
  • Social accounts are tied to a WordPress user account so every account can be accessed with and without social account
  • You can define custom redirect URL after the registration (upon first login) using any of the social accounts.
  • You can define custom redirect URL after each login with any of the enabled social accounts.
  • Display Facebook, Google, Twitter profile picture as avatar
  • Login widget and shortcodes
  • Customizable designs to match your site
  • Editable and translatable texts on the login buttons
  • Very simple to setup and use
  • Clean, user friendly UI
  • Fast and helpful support

Features in Nextend Social Login Pro Addon​

  • WooCommerce compatibility
  • Pro providers: LinkedIn, Amazon, VKontakte, WordPress.com, Yahoo, PayPal, Disqus, Apple and more coming soon
  • Configure whether email address should be asked on registration at each provider
  • Configure whether username should be asked on registration at each provider
  • Choose from icons or wide buttons
  • Several login layouts
  • Restrict specific user roles from using the social logins. (You can restrict different roles for each provider.)
  • Assign specific user roles to the newly registered users who use any social login provider. (You can set different roles for each provider.)
3.1.17 NULLEDVersion
5.00 star(s) 2 ratings
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Nextend Social Login Pro 3.1.17 NULLED

    3.1.17 2025.02.06 Improvement: Apple provider security improvements. Improvement: Kakao Getting...
  2. Nextend Social Login Pro Addon 3.1.16 NULLED

    3.1.16 2024.11.21 Fix: Steam – Invalid Params error
  3. Nextend Social Login Pro Addon 3.1.15 NULLED

    3.1.15 2024.10.15 Fix: Line – PHP warning when the returned name was 1 word long only...

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