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Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 9.9 NULLED


September 11, 2024
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
  • New A new button size option for mobile devices was added to the share buttons#459
  • New New option to re-adjust the middle position when longer text for Pinterest Pro button is used#458
  • Updated Updated X share command to use the x.com domain (previously twitter.com)#456
  • IMPROVEMENTS Refactored the share button styles to load on demand when used (10% reduced size of the share buttons stylesheet).#460
  • Fixed Fixed a problem with missing animations on the Pinterest Pro button#457
  • Fixed Fixed an error message appearing on the front when the social media optimization image is smaller than 200px#455
  • Fixed Fixed a problem where the Click to Chat for WooCommerce may not load if the floating button is not used (activated)#454
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Reactions: edgars221289


July 18, 2024
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
  • NEW New options for the click to chat to attach on the WooCommerce product page or manual display using a shortcode#450
  • NEW Fully reworked the click to chat module with added additional support for Facebook Messenger and Telegram#449
  • NEW New extended integration with Yoast SEO, RankMath, and All-in-one SEO to eliminate duplicated generated social media tags#446
  • UPDATED Remove the old mobile detection library, which was not compatible with PHP 8.2, and replace it with simpler code#448
  • UPDATED Updated the option to always show the customization information, no matter of selected post types to work the custom post types too#447
  • FIXED Fix a conflict of Pinterest Pro and the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin causing images not to show when both used#451
  • FIXED Fixed missing social media image size in the social media tags when not read from the featured image#445
  • FIXED Fixed a false error message in the social media assistant that says "Image not provided" when the post/page has only featured image set (no social media image set).#444


May 19, 2024
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
  • NEW Added support for reading previously stored values in the Hubbub plugin. You can enable the integration from Advanced -> Integrations -> Hubbub#441
  • NEW A new option to disable the work of the Pin button generated from the Pinterest Pro module on a mobile device#440
  • NEW Added support for reading previously stored values in the Novashare plugin. You can enable the integration from Advanced -> Integrations -> Novashare#438
  • NEW New options to set rel="me" instead of "nofollow" to the Social Profile Links and Social Followers Counter#437
  • UPDATED Deprecating the Pinterest description fields throughout the plugin, as Pinterest has moved to using Open Graph data instead of passing specific data through the individual links#442
  • UPDATED Removed Facebook Messenger Live chat due to function removal by Meta#439
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the Chat modules not appearing in the plugin settings menu#436


February 22, 2024
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
  • NEW MailWizz integration in the Subscribe Forms module
  • NEW SVG icons for the share buttons instead of the previous icon font
  • NEW Added option for loading the icon font back for those that do not want to use SVG icons)
  • IMPROVEMENTS Added automated migration to the X branding for the share/profile buttons while doing an automatic plugin update
  • IMPROVEMENTS Updated the analytics tracker code to ensure proper work with the delay javascript option in WP Rocket cache plugin
  • FIXED Instagram feed not showing on the website when the carousel display is selected


November 26, 2023
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again.
  • NEW A new option to disable the followers' value protection. The protection prevents storing values if they are lower than the previous ones saved in the database.
  • NEW Added Threads network to the Social Profiles/Social Followers Counter
  • NEW Elementor widget for sharing buttons has a new option for integration with the Loop widget when used to build archive pages
  • NEW New share buttons library to import custom share button networks.
  • NEW New share network buttons available: Baidu, Gab, Gettr, Parler, Truth. You can import those networks from the library
  • UPDATED Updated Facebook color to match the new Facebook branding
  • UPDATED Set X to be by default for new installtions or settings reset as an option in the Twitter settings
  • FIXED Fixed a problem where the global custom share message did not appear for all networks


July 5, 2023
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again. The version includes an additional license verification check. In case of a problem you will be asked to register the plugin again to verify the code.
  • NEW Mailchimp API 3 integration for the subscribe forms#386
  • NEW New field in the short URL settings for bit.ly branded short URL domain#384
  • NEW Added quick access to profiles shortcode generator directly in the settings#382
  • NEW A new feature in the Social Profile links to add numeric followers' value. This value is added manually in the settings (no need to configure access keys). It can be used with any social network profile#381
  • NEW Include an integration with the SliceWP affiliate plugin#378
  • NEW Added new icon size Extra Extra Large to the Social Profile Icons#376
  • FIXED Fixed an issue with the automatic sidebar styles option#387
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the buttons in the more popup when stretched alignment is set in the Global Settings#385
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the Acelle integration in the mailing list forms#383
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the Click 2 Chat code loaded on post types where deactivated#379


March 31, 2023
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again. The version includes an additional license verification check. In case of a problem you will be asked to register the plugin again to verify the code.
  • NEW New function to export and import custom share networks#370
  • NEW The custom share button options feature a new field for network color. Filling this color will make the network integrate with the default templates.#368
  • NEW Filter to modify the from email when sending mails with the form option via filter essb_mailshare_from_header (example in the details)#367 (example)
  • NEW Cloudflare Turnstile support for the subscribe forms#366
  • NEW New social profile networks (and social followers): Google Play and Apple Store (install via the library)#363
  • UPDATED Updated Reddit share button primary color#364
  • UPDATED Removed Flattr share network#362
  • UPDATED Removed _ symbol when automatically generating network ID value in the custom networks function (causing missing settings in the profiles and followers counter settings).#361
  • IMPROVEMENTS PHP 8.2 compatibility changes#372
  • IMPROVEMENTS Updated SVG styles of the custom share buttons to integrate with the default templates#369
  • IMPROVEMENTS New default width and height for the custom networks in the social followers counter were added automatically. This prevents potential display glitches if the icon size is not the correct one.#359
  • IMPROVEMENTS Updated generation of the textarea field in the plugin options to ensure proper work in PHP 8.x (generating an error message if the % symbol exists in the value).#358
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the sidebar option to hide the share buttons when content buttons are visible in combination with show/hide percents (buttons remain always visible)#371
  • FIXED Fixed an error appearing in Page Speed tests related to the sidebar closing button (when used).#365
  • FIXED Fixed custom network ordering in the social followers counter (additional networks added via the library)#360
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Reactions: tatar221

8.8 - 2023-01-03​

This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again. The version includes an additional license verification check. In case of a problem you will be asked to register the plugin again to verify the code.
  • NEW Added Line network the the Profiles / Followers list (via the Library)#346
  • NEW Added Google News network the the Profiles / Followers list (via the Library)#349
  • NEW Added Gettr network the the Profiles / Followers list (via the Library)#350
  • NEW Added Bitchute network the the Profiles / Followers list (via the Library)#351
  • NEW Added Mastodon network the the Profiles / Followers list (via the Library)#352
  • NEW New option to hide the booster pop-up subscribe forms on a desktop#353
  • UPDATED Updated the Top Bar, Bottom Bar, Pop-up, Fly-in, and Booster share methods javascript to prevent a problem while loading asynchronous#348
  • IMPROVEMENTS Changed the share booster pop-up display priority so it will appear above the share buttons on a mobile device#354
  • IMPROVEMENTS Added discernible name to the social followers counter buttons#355
  • IMPROVEMENTS bit.ly API v4 integration for the short URLs#356
  • IMPROVEMENTS Improvements on Pinterest Pro "don't show on" option. The check will be executed each time when a scan for new images appears#357
  • FIXED Fixed a problem with the sharing pop-up don't show again option - the plugin does not store the technical cookie that says pop-up is shown and does not read correctly the saved value#347
  • Like
Reactions: tatar221
November 2, 2022

This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again. The version includes an additional license verification check. In case of a problem you will be asked to register the plugin again to verify the code.

NEW Clear stored conversions data (separate for the share buttons and subscribe forms) from the "Reset Settings & Data" menu.#345

NEW A new filter is available to replace the Pinterest Pro SVG icon with a custom#342
NEW New option of the pre-compiled assets mode to store cache files for each page#341

NEW Added the Wykop.pl social network in the profile/followers library#333
NEW New option in the Pinterest Pro to activate the initial image scan after user interaction - touch, scroll, key.#332

UPDATED Updated news widget showing what's new, promotions, useful materials, etc.#343
IMPROVEMENTS Added support for sending URLs with affiliate ID when using the form method (email button) and the AffiliateWP plugin#344
IMPROVEMENTS Update the pre-compiled assets mode cache to ensure that duplicate files won't be loaded and removed deprecated functions #340
IMPROVEMENTS Update on the Pinterest Pro module - font icon is replaced with an SVG icon#338
IMPROVEMENTS Update on the share point display method - replaced icon font with SVG, added hover background color options, and split the stylesheet into a separate file#337
IMPROVEMENTS Enhancements over the mobile share bar display method. Icon font is replaced with an inline SVG icon and new fields to customize the colors.#336
IMPROVEMENTS Enhancements over the mobile share point display method. Icon font is replaced with an inline SVG icon and new fields to customize the colors.#335
IMPROVEMENTS Updated the share button display method with added new options to personalize hover and total colours. Icon font replaced with an SVG icon#334

FIXED Fix a problem with the social profiles/followers CSS styles are loaded twice when a shortcode is used in the content#339
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