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Nextend Smart Slider 3 WordPress Pro + Demo Sliders

Nextend Smart Slider 3 WordPress Pro + Demo Sliders NULLED​


  • Feature: Improved accessibility.
  • Fix: Custom posts generator supressed PHP notice fixed.
  • Fix: Customizer breaks in some cases.
  • Fix: Sliding main animation doesn't moves slides together.
  • Fix: Animated heading layer has unwanted margin, when a h tag is selected.
  • Other: Black Friday sale notification removed.​


This version was only released for WordPress, because it doesn't contains Joomla related modifications.


  • Fix: Previous widget rendering fix undone. Our widget will render, even when the theme doesn't supports it, because you can use widgets in themes that way too.
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289​


  • Fix: WP Compress compatibility.
  • Fix: Our widget won't render, when the theme doesn't supports it.
  • Fix: Post meta comparison does not work with 'exists' or 'not exists' compare method.
  • Fix: Randomize first causes PHP error, when a slider doesn't have any slides.
  • Fix: Ignite gallery generator has an error with SVG images.
  • Fix: WordPress sanitization removes groupping from multi select lists, for example from Custom posts generator's taxonomies.
  • Fix: Firefox cannot handle the background parallax without lagging, so we won't use this feature in Firefox browsers anymore.
  • Fix: YouTube layer's video won't start on mobiles when the video is started before the page completely loaded.
  • Fix: Row and Column background colors can create an error message in PHP 8.1+, when their color codes only contain numbers.
  • Fix: The path of some images created PHP errors.
  • Fix: iOS devices opened parent element links twice, when a text layer was clicked on them.
  • Feature: Iframe Title option for Vimeo layer.
  • Other: Black Friday sale notification added.
  • Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!
  • Removed: A fix for an old Safari bug won't be needed anymore, as it got resolved quite a while ago.
  • Removed: Joomla Module layer got deprecated in Joomla 4 and 5.​

2023. 08. 08.​

  • Fix: WP Grid Builder conflict, which made WP Grid Builder's checkbox filtering not work.
  • Fix: Gutenberg compatibility for WordPress 6.3
  • Fix: Extra mouse buttons (like "back" button) won't open links in sliders any longer.
  • Fix: PHP8 compatibility.
  • Fix: Sliders did not show up on websites using Perfmatters plugin.
  • Fix: Wrong slider titles were written out within SiteOrigin Page Builder.
  • Fix: Sliders sometimes did not load on websites using WP Meteor plugin.
  • Feature: VirtueMart generator's language fields became dropdowns instead of text inputs.
  • Feature: The "Image Width" setting of arrows and autoplay buttons are now available in the Free version too.
  • Feature: Playsinline attribute added to all videos, to avoid them being opened fullscreen by default on iOS devices.
  • Removed: Twitter generator got deprecated, because its API creation price became $100/month.
  • Removed: Facebook generator was already deprecated, but just with a notice. Now its codes were finally removed.​

This version doesn't contains Joomla Free related codes, so it was only released for Joomla Pro, and WordPress Pro + Free.

2023. 06. 09.​

  • Feature: Google font list got updated.
  • Feature: Norwegian language update.
  • Fix: Jetpack conflict could cause 500 Internal Server Error, or PHP error message appear.
  • Fix: When multiple background videos are used in one slider and vertical main animation is used, scrolling away stops the not-active videos.
  • Removed: JetPack Photon image optimizer option got deprecated, because it creates too many possible issues.​

This version was only released for WordPress, because it doesn't have Joomla related changes.

2023. 05. 18.​

  • Like
Reactions: bugrist and nexus7​

2023. 05. 09.​

  • Feature: Database managing codes got updated.
  • Feature: Norwegian translation.
  • Feature: Hebrew translation.
  • Feature: Joomla articles generator code updated to avoid input setting caused errors.
  • Fix: Gutenberg plugin conflict.
  • Fix: PHP8.2.4+ compatibility code.
  • Fix: Image layer alt tag and title was encoded twice.
  • Fix: Show editor icon option did not work in Text Editor mode.
  • Fix: Some database column length limitations got increased.
  • Fix: Meta (FB, Instagram) image files don't always have the extension, which is indicated in their filenames. This caused issues with the Resize and Convert to webp options.