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MiniOrange WP Login & Register using JWT Premium

MiniOrange WP Login & Register using JWT Premium 21.6.0 NULLED

MiniOrange WP Login & Register using JWT.png

Login and Register into WordPress using JWT Single Sign-On (SSO) Premium NULLED

WordPress Login & Register using JWT (JSON Web Token) allows you to Single Sign-On (SSO) to your WordPress site using the user-based JWT token to log in users. Enhance the user experience on your WordPress site with the Login & Register using JWT plugin. This plugin allows single sign-on (SSO) using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and provides features for creating user-based JWT, register users, and deleting users with JWT using inbuilt REST API endpoints. With this plugin, users can easily log in to your WordPress site from other applications or mobile web views, making for a seamless login experience across all of your platforms.

What is the WordPress Login and Register Plugin?​

Simplify the login process for your users with the JWT Single Sign-On (SSO) plugin for WordPress. This plugin allows users with existing accounts in your user database (such as an intranet) to log in to your external WordPress site without having to remember another password. The plugin also updates user information and role mappings each time the user logs in through Single Sign-On (SSO), making it easy to keep track of user accounts on your site.

Key Features​

SSO into WordPress via JWT​

Login to WordPress using the JWT (JSON Web Token) token obtained from the existing sessions on other platforms for a seamless SSO (Single-Sign-On experienced).

User based JWT Creation​

This plugin will allow you to generate the JWT token by passing the user’s WordPress credentials through a REST endpoint.

Authenticate WordPress users via Login API​

This plugin provides a REST endpoint to authenticate your users from WordPress when trying to login into other platforms using their WordPress credentials.

Register user via JWT​

This plugin provides a REST endpoint to register your users in WordPress with username/email and password along with functionality to additionally pass the Role to be assigned to users in WordPress.

Delete user using JWT in WordPress​

This plugin provides a REST endpoint to delete the user in WordPress by just passing that user based JWT token.

Profile/Attribute Mapping on Login​

Functionality to map user profile in WordPress on login using the attributes/claims passed in JWT.

Role Mapping on Login​

Functionality to add/update the role of the user in WordPress on login based on attributes/claims passed in JWT

Extra security key Support​

Functionality to enhance the security of various operations like user log in, registration, and deletion in WordPress.

Supports JWT from third-party applications​

The plugin accepts the JWT token provided by third-party apps like OAuth/OpenID apps , Social login apps , Firebase or custom-developed JWT.

Advanced Security Algorithms support​

The plugin supports the JWT generation using the highly secure HS256 and RS256 algorithms and more can be added on demand.
  • Version 21.6.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 22
  • Views 324
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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