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MiniOrange Firebase Authentication Enterprise

MiniOrange Firebase Authentication Enterprise 22.0.6 NULLED

MiniOrange Firebase Authentication Premium.png

WordPress Firebase Authentication ENTERPRISE NULLED

WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin integrates Firebase login into your WordPress website. Firebase Authentication eliminates the need for a separate user email ID and password for your WordPress site. Integrating WordPress Firebase improves both the user experience and the cloud security. With Firebase Authentication, you can also enable Firebase social login and Firebase integration with the WooCommerce site.

Why should you use Firebase Authentication for WordPress?​

Is Firebase your preferred user storage provider? Are your users already created in the Firebase project and now you are planning to launch a WordPress site with the same user base? Our WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin is here for your rescue. Firebase provides unlimited user authentication with many login methods starting from typical email-password to relying on popular identity providers such as Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, etc.

How will you benefit from WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin?
Get this plugin and set up seamless login for your users in no time. WordPress Firebase Authentication with Email-password, Phone Authentication, Social login via Firebase, WooCommerce Integration, Auto-Registration, etc. Have we missed anything?

Firebase Authentication​

Integrate Firebase Authentication to improve user experience & security by adding Firebase Login on your WordPress Website.

WooCommerce Integration​

Boost security of your WooCommerce site by performing user authentication in your WordPress site with Firebase login to access WooCommerce My account and Checkout page.

Firebase Social Login​

Firebase authentication provides user authentication & security with Firebase Login into your popular identity providers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.

Auto Register WooCommerce Users to Firebase​

Provide an option to sync WordPress Firebase whenever an end-user registers into the WordPress site via the WooCommerce registration form. The user is created in Firebase with only an email address and password.

Shortcode for Firebase Login & Registration form​

Using login form shortcode, perform user authentication in your WordPress site with Firebase login. With the registration form shortcode, users can register into the WordPress site, and that user is also auto created in Firebase with an email address and password.

Configurable login options​

Configure the WordPress Firebase plugin to add an option to securely access WordPress site and perform user authentication with Firebase login, WordPress credentials, or both.

Sync Firebase UID to WordPress​

Users can map their User-IDs to their WordPress user profile during Firebase login using our WordPress Firebase Authentication plugin.

Support for Authentication Methods​

Integrate Firebase login to your WordPress site with Firebase Email ID & Password and Firebase Social Login authentication methods.

Custom Redirect URL​

Configure the URL wherever you want to redirect users after Firebase login or after logout.
22.0.6 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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