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MiniOrange Email Verification / SMS Verification / Mobile Verification [Custom Gateway Plan]

MiniOrange Email Verification / SMS Verification / Mobile Verification [Custom Gateway Plan] 15.2.5 NULLED


OTP Verification for your Wordpress Website​

The miniOrange WordPress OTP Verification Custom Gateway Plan NULLED plugin ensures the authenticity of users during the registration process. By verifying the email address or mobile numbers of users through OTP, the plugin eliminates the possibility of fake email addresses or phone numbers being used for registration. We provide OTP over WhatsApp for faster and more convenient verification. Aside from OTP Verification, we also offer SMS Notifications on various forms such as WooCommerce forms, Gravity Forms, etc. You can send SMS notifications on a variety of events like User Registration, Order Placing, and more.

OTP Verification over SMS, Email & WhatsApp​

OTP Verification verifies Email Address/Mobile Number of users by sending verification code(OTP) during registration

WooCommerce SMS Notification​

The OTP verification plugin notifies users to secure their Buyer and seller both can get SMS notification after an order is placed or when the order status changes

Passwordless Login using OTP Verification​

Allows users to log in using Username/Email address/Phone number via OTP Verification thus, preventing the need to enter Password.

WooCommerce,Gravity Forms & Ninja etc.​

miniOrange integrates with over 50+ WordPress Plugins and Themes.

External SMS/Email Gateway​

Send messages via miniOrange Gateway if you don't have your own Gateway Provider using our OTP Verification Plugin

Multi Language Support​

miniOrange WordPress OTP Verification supports multiple languages. This allows you to choose the language of your preference.

Ultimate Member SMS Notification​

Our OTP Verification Plugin allows your site to send automated Ultimate Member notifications to admins and users.

Ultimate Member Password Reset​

Allows users to reset their password using OTP Verification instead of email links
15.2.5 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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