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MiniOrange User and Login Management Premium

MiniOrange User and Login Management Premium 20.0.0 NULLED


WordPress User and Login Management Plugin Premium NULLED

WordPress User and Login Management Plugin is a one-stop solution for managing all of your local WordPress users from an easy to use user interface. This plugin offers a plethora of features including bulk user import / export, bulk user role management, user redirection based on WordPress roles, tracking and management of user activity & session, time driven users auto-logout, ability to make a page or post private or public based on an ID or URL.

Bulk User Creation​

Effortlessly create multiple user accounts at once for users not registered in WordPress simply by importing them through a CSV file.

User Activity & Session Management​

Easily monitor activity of your WordPress users such as session time, active / inactive status from our interactive dashboard.

Bulk Users Role Management​

Assign a default role to new WordPress users or modify / overwrite the existing users role in bulk by importing them through a single file.

Export WordPress Users​

You can export profile information of your WordPress such as name, email, role, profile photo, etc to a CSV file.

Manage access to a particular Page/Post​

Make a particular page on a private network publicly accessible by providing the ID / URL information about it.

Manage Existing WordPress Role Capabilities​

Effortlessly manage capabilities of existing WordPress roles such as Author, Subscriber, etc as per your requirement through our plugin.

Create New roles and manage their capabilities.​

Create new WordPress user roles and easily manage their capabilities and permissions as per the requirement using the plugin.

Email notification to admin on incorrect login attempt​

A custom email notification will be send to admin on each incorrect login attempt the WordPress users had made.
  • Version 20.0.0 NULLED
  • Downloads 21
  • Views 335
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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