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MiniOrange WordPress REST API Authentication ALL-INCLUSIVE

MiniOrange WordPress REST API Authentication ALL-INCLUSIVE 41.0.0 NULLED


WordPress Rest API Authentication ALL-INCLUSIVE NULLED

WordPress REST API Authentication plugin provides the security from unauthorized access to your WordPress REST APIs. Our plugin provides a variety of authentication methods like Basic Authentication, API Key Authentication, OAuth 2.0 Authentication, JWT Authentication. Authentication with External Identity Providers/ Third Party Providers token like that of Firebase, Azure, AWS Cognito, Okta, Keycloak, ADFS, Google, Facebook, Apple etc. Choose the best fit for your environment & secure your WordPress REST APIs communication between your client and the service application


Role based access to WP REST APIs​

Based on user's WordPress roles/ capabilities users can get access to his WordPress Dashboard and other WordPress REST APIs.

Signature Validation​

Provide the Signature Verification and Validation along with JWT Token Validation. also, an option to select the Signing Algorithm to validate the JWT token for WP REST API Authentication.

Custom Token Expiry​

Default token expiry time provided is 1 hour. Using this feature admin can change the token expiry date as per his requirement.

Exclude REST APIs​

By default our plugin protects all the WordPress REST APIs. Using this feature admin can exclude some APIs for public access with out authentication.

Custom Header​

Default Authorization Header will be used to authenticate the requests. Using this feature admin can change Authorization header to any other header accordingly.

HMAC Encryption​

Provides features to encrypt the token passed in the header in Basic Authentication method using the HMAC encryption method which makes your header token much secure and users credentials can’t be exposed.

User Based API Key(Token)​

This feature is present in the API Key Authentication method in which the token(key) is generated based on the WordPress users and that will help in accessing those APIs that require WordPress user credentials.

Third Party JWT Token support​

This feature allows to authenticate the API based on the JWT token, which provides the facility to authenticate the APIs based on the JWT token received from the external Providers.

WordPress User Login API​

This plugin provides you with the WordPress login API, such that you can use this API endpoint to authenticate your users logging into other applications using their WordPress credentials.

Multiple Authentication Applications​

This feature allows you to set up multiple authentication applications so that you provide different access keys to different clients. You can also revoke access easily to a particular client/user.
41.0.0 NULLEDVersion
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
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