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Media Uploader

Invision Community Media Uploader 2.1.5

Media Uploader.png

This application will allow your members to upload images, videos, audio and document files including PDF's to stream, play, share, view, download or embed into any of their posts, Your members can also choose to set their uploads to private and if they wanted then, give other members permissions to access them. This application works fully with IPS Clubs allow club owners to create their own media uploader categories

Main Features
  • Create unlimited categories to store the uploaded media files in
    • You can also create unlimited sub categories
  • Choose what file types members can upload per category
    • Images - PNG, GIF, JPEG, JPG, JPE
    • Videos - MP4, WEBM, OGG, MOV
    • Audio - MP3, MP4, WAV
    • Documents - PDF, HTML, TXT, XML
  • Choose the maximum upload size for each allowed file type per category
  • Choose to allow multiple uploads at the same time
    • Set the amount of maximum uploads for each file type per category
  • Allow members to comment on media files
  • All members to review media files
  • Allow members to embed their media into the forums and anything what uses the editor ( YES YOU CAN EMBED PDF's TOO )
  • Choose what user groups can embed their media into the forums topics etc
  • Allow members to crop their uploaded images
    • Choose what user groups can crop their images
    • If a member crops a image they will have a choice to keep or delete the original image
  • Choose what user groups can download uploaded media files ( regardless of this setting members can download their own files )
  • Choose what user groups can view / play / stream the actual uploaded file ( regardless of this setting members can view their own files )
  • Allow certain member groups to upload private files ( Admin can still view in the admin panel )
  • Members can set their private uploads to be viewed by their selected members only ( regardless of the admin viewing / download settings members with permission to view these files given by the uploader will be able to view or download said file )
  • Once a member has been given permission to access private uploads they will receive a notification linking them to the file
  • Set the maximum storage limit for users via the user group settings
  • Set the maximum downloads a day for users via the user group settings
  • Set a flood limit on embedding topics for users via the user group settings
  • Shows how many views and downloads the media files have had
  • Members can see who viewed or downloaded their media ( If logs are enabled in the ACP )
Front Pages
  • Media Uploader
    • Index page showing blocks with the media files
      • Shows a block showing all featured media files
      • Shows a block showing the latest uploaded media files
      • Shows a block showing the media files with the most views
      • Shows a block showing the media files with the most downloads
      • Shows a block showing the media files with the highest ratings
  • My Media
    • Shows a table with all the media files uploaded by the member
    • They can view / download / delete any file from here
    • They can see who viewed or downloaded their media ( If logs are enabled in the ACP )
    • If the member has a private upload they can allow other members to view the media files
    • If the file is a image the users can crop them ( If enabled in the ACP )
    • These tables can be filtered and sorted in a mixture of ways
    • If the storage limit is not set to unlimited then there will be a storage quota division in the page showing how much storage the user has used and how much is left for them to use
  • Profile Tabs
    • Shows a table in the members profile tabs with all their upload media (Private ones are hidden)
    • Members can view or download the media files from here
    • These tables can be filtered and sorted in a mixture of ways
  • Embedding
    • Allow your members to embed any of their uploaded media into anything what uses the editor via the insert other media button
  • Show a most uploads widget showing a block with a list of members with the most uploaded media
  • Show a last uploaded widget showing a block with a list of the last uploaded media files
  • Show a most downloads widget showing a block with a list of the most downloaded media files
  • Show a most viewed widget showing a block with a list of the most viewed media files
Admin Panel
  • Choose what user groups can upload private media files ( If set to private the uploader has to choice to allow x/y/z member to view it )
  • Choose to either show text and icons or just icons on the buttons of the media tables
  • Mass delete all media files from your server, filtered by ALL, IMAGES, VIDEOS, AUDIO FILES, you can even mass delete from certain members or usergroups
  • View all media files including private ones ( The admin should always be able to view all media files uploaded for many different reasons )
  • Set the maximum storage limit for each member by going into the group settings and entering a maximum limit allowed
  • Set the limit of the amount of last uploaded files shown in the block on the upload media page
  • Set the amount to show in the tables per page in the all media and my media pages
  • Choose if you want to keep logs of who has viewed or downloaded media files
  • View a log of who downloaded the media files showing the geo location of where it was downloaded from
  • Choose to use either grids or rows for the tables themes
Moderator Permissions
  • This application fully integrates with the IPS moderator permissions you can set the mod perms via the moderator settings of the ACP
  • Any uploaded media files / comments or reviews that require approval can be approved via the ModCP
  • Search for media files using the IPS search features
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings
Last update

More resources from raz0r

Latest updates

  1. Media Uploader v2.1.5

    Released September 13 Fix incompatibility with IPS 4.7.2

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