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s9e Media Sites

Xenforo s9e Media Sites 2.8.8

License Information
Compatible XF Versions 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
Additional Requirements PHP 7.1 or newer
This add-on will:
  • Add a carefully curated collection of the most useful and most requested media sites. A list of supported URLs can be found on this page.
  • Improve the performance and efficiency of the default media sites. Pages will load as fast whether there are no videos or 100 videos.
  • Improve the loading of embedded tweets. Content does not jump around while tweets are loading.
  • Load embedded content without injecting third-party scripts into the page. The add-on uses a small inline script for its lazy loader.
  • Add a button to supported video players (YouTube and others) to make them float in the corner of the screen and allow the user to keep an eye on the video while reading the rest of the page.
s9e Media Sites
s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites
s9e Media Sites

This add-on contains the definitions for 128 media sites: 8tracks, 247Sports, ABC News, Amazon Product, Anchor, Apple Podcasts, Audioboom, Audiomack, Bandcamp, BBC News, Bit Chute, Bleacher Report videos, Brightcove, Castos, CBS News Video, Clyp, CNBC, CNN, CNNMoney, CodePen, Comedy Central, Coub, Dailymotion, Democracy Now!, dumpert, ESPN, Facebook, Falstad Circuit Simulator, Flickr, Fox News, Funny or Die, GameClips.io, Gamer DVR, Gamespot, Getty Images, Gfycat, Gifs.com, GIPHY, GitHub Gist, Global News, GoFundMe, Google Drive, Google Sheets, Google+, Hudl, Hulu, IGN, IMDb trailers, Imgur, Indiegogo, Instagram, Internet Archive, İzlesene, JSFiddle, JW Platform, Kaltura, Kickstarter, Kontinental Hockey League (КХЛ), Libsyn, Liveleak, Livestream, Mail.Ru, Medium, Megaphone, Metacafe, Mixcloud, MLB, MRCTV, MSNBC, National Geographic Channel, National Geographic Video, NBC News, NBC Sports, NHL Videos and Highlights, NPR, Odysee, Orfium, Pastebin, Pinterest, Podbean, Prezi, Reddit threads and comments, Rumble, Rutube, Scribd, Sendvid, SlideShare, SoundCloud, Sporcle, Sportsnet, Spotify, Spreaker, Steam store, Stitcher, Straw Poll, Streamable, Streamja, Team Coco, TED Talks, Telegram, The Atlantic Video, The Guardian (obsolete), The New York Times Video, The Onion, The Wall Street Journal Online, TikTok, TMZ, TradingView, Trailer Addict, Trending Views, Tumblr, Twitch, Twitter, Ustream, VBOX7, Veoh, Vevo, Video Detective, Vimeo, Vine, VK, Vocaroo, Vox, Washington Post Video, Wistia, WorldStarHipHop, Youku, YouTube.
  • Version 2.8.8
  • Downloads 23
  • Views 545
  • Last Update
  • Rating 0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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