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HikaShop Business - eCommerce for Joomla

HikaShop Business - eCommerce for Joomla 5.1.3

HikaShop 4.6.2​

Release date : September, 21 2022

Bug fixes (38)​

  • There was an error with the CardSave payment plugin on PHP 8.
  • In some rare cases, the delete button of the cart module would not work properly.
  • When following the "Display by color" tutorial, the colors wouldn't hide/display with the "Characteristics dynamic display" setting activated in the HikaShop configuration.
  • We fixed an error with the add to cart when using AJAX file custom fields in some cases with PHP 8.
  • The search feature could potentially break the HTML of the download button on the downloads listing of the frontend.
  • We fixed some warning message which could appear if the data stored in the database for the values of a custom field is invalid.
  • Accessing a menu item of the type HikaShop product comparison would generate an error on Joomla 4.
  • PHP 8 could generate errors during calculations if there were too many decimals on the numbers.
  • The custom user fields are now displayed properly on the Joomla profile edit page on the frontend for Joomla 4.
  • We fixed some warnings with the order detail page in the backend when the address custom fields would be all disabled.
  • We fixed a deprecated message on PHP 8 with the cart module when its settings were not saved once before being displays on the frontend.
  • helpers / controllers / classes overrides (for custom development) are now working properly on Joomla 4.
  • The Joomla language switcher module could output invalid URLs if the menu item used wouldn't have associated menu items for each languages on some pages.
  • We fixed an error which could happen on PHP 8 when a currency rate was set to 0 and the system was trying to convert a price from that currency to another currency.
  • When using the pagination number of elements per page dropdown on the entries listing in the backend, the entries wouldn't display anymore on the listing.
  • The "update the values" action could generate a "wrong type for this column" error in some cases with the "string" mode selected.
  • With many options it would be possible to have a conflict between two of them on the same product page leading to an option not refreshing the price of the product properly.
  • We fixed the country name for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • We fixed a deprecated message with filters on PHP 8.1.
  • We remove special characters when looking for product names from the alias in the URL in the router to avoid regex MySQL errors.
  • The filter selection on the filter module settings page can now handle more than 50 filters.
  • We fixed a deprecated message on PHP 8 with custom text fields when the value is null in the database.
  • The variants display on the products listing would aggregate all the values of all the products on the page instead of only the values of each product individually.
  • We've fixed a warning in some rare cases with the thumbnails display on the product details page.
  • We fixed a warning relative to the translation files loading.
  • We fixed an issue with the product edit interface and Joomla 4.2 related to tags.
  • The modification of the description of variants didn't work properly on Joomla 4 in some cases.
  • The first parameter of the onBeforeConfigSave event was not set properly by HikaShop.
  • When the "synchronized add to cart with cart" setting was activated while using the "tabular" layout, the add to cart wouldn't work properly.
  • The cart synchronization didn't work well with multiple dropdown, radio and checkbox custom item fields.
  • The characteristic values were not translated properly when using the "radio" display mode.
  • The translation popup of variants would display an error with the "Alias automatic filling" setting turned on even though it was working.
  • We've fixed a warning when deleting orders in the backend in some rare cases.
  • The limits didn't save properly in the backend interface since HikaShop 4.6.0
  • The toggle icons would display for the category translation popup even when Falang was not used to handle the translations while they should not appear.
  • The French and Russian translation files had a wrong translation key which would override the email sent by Joomla to the admin after a registration, which would create a problem on Joomla 4.
  • The actions "Change status", "Add an existing product" and "Change user group" didn't display properly their options until you saved the settings of the mass action.
  • We added a fix to properly take into account the custom data of shipping methods in some cases.

Improvements (43)​

  • It is now possible to use the lowest tax rate for shipping fees.
  • The brand selector on the product edit page now displays as a tree as brands can be in several levels.
  • There is a new option to the FedEx shipping method to select the environment.
  • You can now use a comma as a decimal separator when entering the "Retail price" or when importing the "product_msrp" column.
  • The privacy consent integration now supports the "menu item" mode.
  • We changed the default "Frequency of the check for the carts" for new installations from 1 days to 20 minutes so that even on websites with many carts created by users, the system can still keep up with deleting the old carts.
  • Seletable filters will now be automatically hidden from display when there is no value to select in them.
  • We now display boolean custom fields following Joomla 4's style on Joomla 4.
  • We've added the support of the privacy consent plugin to the registration form displayed when you click on the link to register in the order notification emails after you placed an order as a guest if the corresponding option is activated.
  • We've added an "empty the cart" button to the cart detail page.
  • We've added "product_files" and "product_images" as reserved field column names as they are used internally and would create problems if used for a custom field.
  • Plugins can now add extra fields on the characteristic edit form in the backend.
  • The checkout login view will now display Joomla 4's social buttons (login with Google, Facebook, WebAuth, etc) mechanism. That way, users don't have to go through the registration procedure if social buttons are available (for example if they are added by Akeeba SocialLogin extension: https://extensions.joomla.org/extension/akeeba-sociallogin/ )
  • Payment plugin developers can now add an attribute "needCallbackFile" to their plugin class to have a callback file automatically created for them at the root of the website and they can use $this->getCallbackFilename() to get the filename. This can be used when the payment gateway restricts the number of characters or some special characters like ?, & or = for the callback URL for the payment notification. That way, when that callback file is called, it will automatically trigger their plugin's onPaymentNotification function.
  • We added a canonical URL header to the contact form page to make sure it's not flagged as duplicate content.
  • The orders created with taxes calculated by the TaxCloud plugin can now be modified in the HikaShop backend without loosing the tax information calculated by TaxCloud.
  • When the "synchronized add to cart" setting is activated in the HikaShop configuration is activated, you can directly update the quantity of the product from the "add to cart" button area on products listings and product details pages. So far even when reducing the quantity of the product in the cart, the notification box message would be "Product successfully added to the cart". We improved the system so that when the quantity is reduced it says instead "Product successfully removed from the cart" in order to improve user experience.
  • There is now a link back to the product details page on the product name of the product contact form.
  • If the stock of one of the selected options is not enough (or another limitation is hit for it), if the "group options with product" setting is activated in the HikaShop configuration, the add to cart of the whole product will be cancelled.
  • We've added the SameSite attribute to the cart and session cookies to avoid a warning to be displayed in the console of FireFox.
  • We now separate the "save" and the "save and close" buttons in the backend on Joomla 4 instead of having them stacked.
  • We've added logging capabilities to the "AIM" mode of the Authorize.net payment plugin.
  • We now allow HTML tags in the footer of the PDF generated by the PDF invoice plugin.
  • We've improved the code loading the custom fields on products listing to avoid errors with custom code in some rare cases.
  • We added a decimal to the exchange rate for new installations of HikaShop to be able to handle 6 decimals instead of 5.
  • We've added a hidden setting called redirect_url_when_registration_form_access_while_already_logged so that you can override the URL where the user will be redirected if he tries to access the HikaShop registration form while already logged in.
  • When the multilanguage edit mechanism is activated, for languages other than English, when HikaShop is being initialized, we now reload all the already loaded translation files without the English overrides so that English translation overrides don't interfer with the original texts of the HikaShop content when the base language of the content is another language than English.
  • The PayFast payment plugin included in HikaShop has been removed from HikaShop's install package. PayFast offers their own version of the plugin and it conflicts with it. People already using our version will still be able to continue using it even after updating their HikaShop. But new installations of HikaShop won't have the plugin added anymore and they'll be able to get it from PayFast.
  • We've added a new javascript event hkCustomFieldChanged which will be triggered when a custom field is modified.
  • Changing custom item fields on the product details page now triggers the hkContentChanged javascript event.
  • Plugins can now inject headers into emails in the onBeforeMailPrepare event by adding their headers to $mail->extraHeaders.
  • We've removed the SEO fields from the translation popup of variants as they don't make sense there.
  • We've added extra data display to the user edit form on the backend so that plugins can add extra elements to that interface.
  • We've improved the javascript loading mechanism so that on Joomla 4, it will skip it if the web asset manager has not yet been initialized by Joomla.
  • We've improved the categories filters so that if no category is selected, we still only display product categories in the filter as it doesn't make sense to display other category types.
  • It is now possible to configure transparent stripes for image thumbnails.
  • We improved the email history rendering of the emails to properly display images when added to the email as background-image.
  • We removed the "add new value" button for the "default" setting of custom fields as it doesn't work properly and is not necessary there.
  • We added an error message if the admin tries to use the "allow new value" setting while using his own MySQL query to load the values of a custom field as that's not possible.
  • We improved the reminder plugin so that for cart reminders the plugin takes into account the last modification date of orders (and not only the creation date) and to also use the "cart waiting period" as a buffer so that if an order was created/modified for that user less than that period of time (1 day by default) before the last cart modification we also don't send a reminder.
  • We've added a "make this address default" checkbox to the address form on the checkout when necessary to make it easier for the user and avoid having to go to the address manager to change the default address.
  • We've added some failsafe for reports not properly initialized in order to not get an error when editing the report.
  • We added a patch for the compatibility with 4SEF (successor of SH404SEF).
  • HikaShop will now trigger the events onPrepareModuleList, onAfterModuleList and onAfterCleanModuleList for the modules loaded under the product page so that other extensions, like Advanced Modules Manager can process them.

New features (7)​

  • The translation mechanism now supports non latin languages for the original language with a new setting for it under the Languages tab of the HikaShop configuration.
  • The UPS plugin has a new option to be able to select between the production environment and the test environment.
  • We've added the "Sofinco" bank to the PayBox payment plugin.
  • The variants can now have their own tax category, overriding the main product's.
  • We added two settings in the HikaShop configuration to be able to enter your logo URL so that it will be added to the invoices generated by HikaShop.
  • We've added a new PayPal Checkout payment plugin to HikaShop. With it, you'll be able to use the latest "PayPal Checkout" offered by PayPal.
  • We've added a new option "Email favicon" under the Emails section of the HikaShop configuration so that you can configure a favicon to customize further the emails to your branding.
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