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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.6.1 NULLED

Version 27.0.5 – May 30th, 2023​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - JS error 'redeclaration of var ajaxurl' if some plugin has already declared it
* Fixed: Error 404 Custom page - Builder styles not loading if performance option Builder local styles is set to 'inline in header' [67777]

* Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin - BeBuilder new data storage format support [69419]
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Config file - BeBuilder new data storage format support
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 27.0.2 – May 24th, 2023​

* Added: Before After element - Responsive image dimensions (srcset)
* Added: Icon Box - Link title attribute

* Fixed: BeBuilder visibility - Hide for everyone - Error when saving Theme Options or Post Update
* Fixed: Popup builder - Display trigger - On button click - Missing popup template ID
* Fixed: Tools - Regenerate Thumbnails - SVG images with mimetype 'image/svg'
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - UI mode: Auto - Builder icons color
* Fixed: Page Options - Custom CSS field - Unwanted special characters change
* Fixed: Theme Options - Custom fonts - Hash # in font name
* Fixed: Theme Options - Custom fonts not working when Google Fonts disabled

* Fixed: Privacy bar - Hide 'more info' link if link field is empty
* Fixed: Google Maps Advanced element - Additional marker with HTML description
* Fixed: Payment Methods element - Image alt tag PHP notice

* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: preg_replace(): Passing null to parameter

* Improved: Theme Options - Pagination type option moved to Global > Navigation
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 27.0 – May 22nd, 2023​

* Added: Huge performace update:

Create Really Fast-Loading Websites.
It’s now easier than ever to create websites that score 100 on PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix.
Take full control over your website performance or use one click performance setup.
BeBuilder is better than ever with 3x loading speed of the builder and 20x less builder data storage.

BeBuilder Blocks is now part of BeBuilder. Check it if you go for a classic look but want an extremely fast builder.

* Added: BeBuilder - Wrap - Position: Offset - Responsive switch
* Added: Query Loops - Option to show children of current category
* Added: Tools - Analyze Builder content - Prepare builder content in format readable for external plugins and post search.

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Global sections and wraps - Modern navigation
* Fixed: Query Loops - Hide loop if it is empty for specified term
* Fixed: Elementor - Be Table of Contents widget - Simple links format for languages based on non URL friendly characters.

* 2 Pre-built websites: Business 7, Wedding Car
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 7, Wedding Car
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 26.8.4 – May 4th, 2023​

* Added: Responsive - Mobile - Maximum images srcset width
* Added: System Status - Show warning if site uses insecure http connection

* Fixed: BeBuilder - History - Undo action
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Section - Deprecated section styles - Options are invisible and cannot be deselected
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Keyboard shortcodes - Ctrl+C
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Transform - Minor CSS fixes
* Fixed: Popup Builder - Template type changes to 'page template' if popup is updated in backend editor
* Fixed: Popup Builder + WPML plugin - Display conditions

* Fixed: Shop - Archives - Price is missing if shop template is not selected
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Quantity field - Hide for 'Sold individually' products
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Sidebar inherited from shop page [68823]
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Custom Variation Swatches
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Minor CSS fixes

* Fixed: Social Icons - Add https:// prefix if missing
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Database reset - Remove widgets to prevent Inactive widgets excess
* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array

* Fixed: Contact Form 7 - Response output - Missing CSS style
* Fixed: Elementor plugin - Be Gallery widget - Lightbox - Missing title and description [68831]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Betheme Dashboard page content [68866]
* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Edit with BeBuilder link

* Removed - Automatic theme updates - WordPress 6.2 do not allow auto updates for themes outsite wordpress.org

Version 26.8.1 – April 12th, 2023​

* Fixed: Shop - Archives - Price is missing if shop template is not selected
* Fixed: Header Builder - Logo element - Missing width and height attributes
* Fixed: Mobile - Header Creative + Default mobile header
* Fixed: GDPR & Cookies - Image element - Missing width and height attributes

Version 26.7.4 – March 13th, 2023​

* Added: List element - Option to set starting number
* Added: Toggle element - Option to set starting number
* Added: Dynamic Data - ACF plugin fields {acf:field_name}
* Added: Dynamic Data - List of dynamic data tags in BeBuilder Settings
* Fixed: Dynamic Data - Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 tags
* Added: Sidebar Menu - Close button position and size

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Save issue on servers with limited max_input_vars
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Translate - Missing esc_attr added
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Transform - Transition duration on mouse out
* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky and Fixed header - Sticky wrap offset top

* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Product title with HTML tags
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Template selected in the product is the most important
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Images gallery - Missing variable product images
* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Coupon code - Unwanted label removed
* Fixed: Query Loop - Additional check added to prevent possible PHP error
* Fixed: Blank Page - Query Loop type: Slider
* Fixed: One Page - Sidebar menu links

* Fixed: Blog element - Filters - Hide categories excluded in Theme Options
* Fixed: Shop Products element - Infinite Load option
* Fixed: Slider element - Category select
* Fixed: Toggle element - Active item close on click

* Fixed: Setup Wizard - Database reset - Remove Privacy Policy page ID
* Fixed: WP Rocket plugin - Updating page from BeBuilder does not clear WP Rocket cache

Version 26.7.3 – February 23rd, 2023​

* Added: New Toggle element
* Added: Mega Menu - Now available on multiple menu levels
* Added: Mega Menu Builder - Padding, background, and border
* Added: BeBuilder - Advanced tab - Background position - Option to set custom position
* Added: Header Menu element - Submenu width option
* Added: Header Builder - Plain Text/HTML element

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Post/Page select field - Special characters in the post title
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Single page import - Import pages with Slider plugin element
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Multiple values input fields - Join option
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page preview does not refresh
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Shop categories element - Show top-level categories on non-shop pages
* Fixed: Query Loops - Type: Slider - Image align if WooCommerce plugin is active
* Fixed: Lottie element - PHP error
* Fixed: Map advanced element - JS console warning
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Plain text element - Resize

* Fixed: Templates - Shop: Single product - Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
* Fixed: Templates - Shop - Shop products element - Empty product list after element option change
* Fixed: Templates - Conditions - WPML plugin compatibility
* Fixed: Templates - Prevent 404 error on some server configurations - Additional flush_rewrite_rules added
* Fixed: Shop - Archives page - Remove empty HTML element if layout options are hidden
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Product image - Disable Zoom option
* Fixed: Portfolio page without jQuery filtering - Missing JS script

* Fixed: Accessibility - Aria-label moved to link instead of submenu
* Fixed: WP Rocket plugin - Logo size if the 'Add missing image dimensions' option is enabled

* 2 Pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Agency 8, Furniture Store 2
  • Like
Reactions: mp2020

Version 26.7.2 – February 3rd, 2023​

* Added: BeBuilder - Builder to SEO - Generates builder content in an SEO plugin-friendly form
* Added: Header Builder - Menu element - Submenu active element color

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Post update - Save issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products
* Fixed: Header Builder - Header disappears on hover while editing template
* Fixed: Header Builder - Site Layout: Boxed - Sticky header width
* Fixed: Header Builder - Burger Menu element - Submenu icon overriding burger menu icon
* Fixed: Query Loops + Dynamic Data - {content:ID:term} tag
* Fixed: Dynamic Data - Display issue for sites with more than 100 000 posts/products

* Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry layouts - Items do not line up correctly

* Fixed: WooCommerce + Contact Form 7 - Header Login Form and Side Cart translation for languages different than English

* Improved: Accessibility - For voice-over users, the aria-label of a submenu contains the name of the menu item

Version 26.7 – January 23, 2023​

* Added: Loop Builder - Design any type of slider, blog, portfolio or shop listing without limits.
* Added: Dynamic Data - Intuitive modal with a list of all dynamic tags at your disposal anywhere on the page.

* Added: Year shortcode - Add current [year] automatically in Copyright area
* Added: Elementor widget - Live Search

* Fixed: Templates: Header - Menu burger element - Bouncing content on menu open
* Fixed: Templates: Prevent 404 error on some server configurations after the first template is added

* Fixed: BeBuilder - New section - Missing global section button
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Section info - Background position - Minor PHP notice

* Fixed: Live search element - Next section z-index lowered to prevent content overlapping
* Fixed: Option to hide WordPress Editor affects only post types which support BeBuilder
* Fixed: One Page - Main menu - Active on scroll when Entrance animations are disabled
* Fixed: Sticky Header - Wrong header position if page has already been scrolled and is refreshed or is opened with #hash
* Fixed: Section with parallax background image - Duplicated image removed

* Fixed: Accessibility: Keyboard support - ESC key press - Close mega menu on all type of links inside, not only menu items
* Fixed: Contact Form 7 plugin - Unwanted column padding removed
* Fixed: The Events Calendar plugin - Breadcrumbs if Events Calendar widget is in place on the page
* Fixed: Revolution Slider + Lightbox - Button with lightbox rel attribute
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Load BeBuilder local styles from the primary language if styles for the current language do not exist