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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.6.1 NULLED

Version – September 28, 2022​

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks - Missing builder background color
* Fixed: Shop - Unable to save product content in BeBuilder Blocks
* Fixed: Shop Products element - Style: List - Text align
* Fixed: Child theme - BeBuilder - Missing icon in remove element modal
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Reactions: tatar221

Version 26.5 – September 27, 2022​

* Added: Setup Wizard
* Added: New Betheme Dashboard
* Added: Pre-Built Websites Importer with automatic plugin installation
* Added: Theme Options panel available in BeBuilder
* Added: Global sections and wraps

* Added: Clients slider element - Navigation arrows position option
* Added: Shop categories element - Categories display options - Main categories and subcategories

* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling from default header
* Fixed: Templates conditions for Header and Footer - Custom post types are treated as pages

* Fixed: Image element - Minor PHP notice
* Fixed: Gallery element - Lightbox on page which has Elementor content
* Fixed: Performance - Cache fonts local - Additional subsets

* Fixed: Shop - Checkout - Google pay button
* Fixed: My account - Login form - Remember me checkbox is unclickable

* Fixed: Elementor plugin - Unwanted deprecated notice
* Fixed: Revolution Slider plugin + Elementor - Broken slider preview
* Fixed: WPML plugin - Shop: Side Cart

* Improved: Map Advanced element - Additional markers - LAT attribute is used as title if title is empty

* 2 Pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Business 6, Betheme Store 2

Version – September 1, 2022​

* Added: BeBuilder - All links inside element with class 'scroll' have smooth scroll
* Added: Header Builder - Menu burger element - Submenu styles
* Added: WPML plugin - Templates - Different templates of different languages

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Page Options - Sidebars list did not refresh after adding sidebar
* Fixed: Header Builder & Mega Menu - Sticky header disappears on menu link hover
* Fixed: Header Builder & Footer Builder templates on author archives page
* Fixed: Header Builder - Sticky Header bounce when scrolling from default header
* Fixed: Header Builder - Submenu items - Word wrap
* Fixed: Footer Builder - Menu element - Word wrap

* Fixed: Templates - Shop - Single product - Missing 'Start building' button when builder is empty

* Fixed: Shop - Products list - Thumbnail cropping in Customizer
* Fixed: Shop - Price filter - Slider color
* Fixed: Shop - Quick preview - Close button covering modal content

* Fixed: Accessibility - Aria-labels translatable #64846
* Fixed: Safari browser - Header Builder - Fade in animation
* Fixed: RTL - Header Builder - Search element alignment
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Reactions: tatar221
* Fixed: BeBuilder - When editing on a small desktop screen, unwanted switching to tablets is blocked
* Fixed: Header Builder template on Search page
* Fixed: Header Builder - Icon element - Open link in new window
* Fixed: Header Builder - Menu element - Submenu icon color and size

* Fixed: Shop - Cart icon link do not work if Side cart is disabled
* Fixed: Shop - Templates - Exclude specified category
* Fixed: Shop - Mobile - Related products grid - 2 columns
* Fixed: Safari browser - Shop - Variable products select

* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Single product template - Product content CSS styles
* Fixed: BeCustom - BeBuilder links for header and footer templates
* Fixed: My account - Login form - Unwanted site shift when click on form label
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Reactions: tatar221
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Slashes in shortcodes on history back
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Font size is displayed incorrectly in Builder window
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Lottie element - Animation loading after element duplication
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Import/Export - Hidden sections and Lottie element

* Fixed: Header Builder - Scroll to ID

* Fixed: Shop - Display products from individual categories
* Fixed: Shop - Missing woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title hook added
* Fixed: Shop - My Account button - The same ID for multiple buttons

* Fixed: Mega Menu - Automatic Mega Menu can not be disabled
* Fixed: Blog - Style: Masonry tiles - Margin option restored
* Fixed: Performance - Cache assets - Side Cart
* Fixed: Featured images - SrcSet - GIF animations
* Fixed: Header Builder - Assigning header template if another template has been removed
* Fixed: Header Builder - Open submenu link on click
* Fixed: Footer Builder - Default text and link color
* Fixed: Maga Menu - Content font inherits from body insted of menu
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Minor PHP 8 warning during import
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Edit header link when BeCustom plugin as active
* Fixed: Menus - Add menu items - New items have the content of the post in the description field

* Fixed: Shop - Product content in full width section - Unwanted padding removed
* Fixed: Shop - Products page - Buttons style: Stroke

* Fixed: RTL - Mobile contact form
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Reactions: mp2020