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Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup]

Betheme | Responsive Multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce Theme [muffingroup] 27.6.1 NULLED

Version 27.2.8 – October 19th, 2023​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Live Search element - Search results window - z-index

* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Full-width content option for the shop page was unnecessarily inherited
* Fixed: Templates - Single product - Conditions - Speed improvement for sites with over 100K products

* Fixed: Blog options - Show/Hide meta - Affects also Blog Teaser element

* Fixed: Header style: Modern - Header position after quickly scrolling upon the page loading

Version 27.2.7 – October 10th, 2023​

* Added: BeBuilder - Heading element - Onlick attribute
* Added: BeBuilder - Image element - Onlick attribute
* Added: BeBuilder - 'bebuilder_post_types' filter to show 'Edit with BeBuilder' button in custom post type

* Added: Shop - Single product - Style: Default - Product tabs - Inside grid is required for Additional information swatching when variation is clicked

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Desktop view breakpoint edit on laptop screen
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Nested wrap - Background overlay inherits parent settings
* Fixed: BeBuilder - UI theme: Light - Laptop breakpoint icon
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Section additional options menu - Headings size inherited from content
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Query loops - Add new element to empty wrap

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Section background - Unwanted fields removed

* Fixed: Shop - Free delivery progress bar - Currency symbol position
* Fixed: Shop - Side Cart - PHP 8.1 - ltrim(): Passing null is deprecated [71246]

* Fixed: Theme Options - Colors - Disable color fields if predefined skin is selected
* Fixed: Pages list - Unwanted hidden setup wizard demo page drafts removed

* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - BeBuilder - Edit Another Page - Page edit link
* Fixed: Polylang plugin - Bebuilder - Menus not assigned to positions do not show

* Improved: Sticky wrap - Now uses pure CSS instead of JS
* Improved: Live search - Search results - The entire element is clickable, not just the link

Version 27.2.4 – September 13th, 2023​

* Fixed: Performance - Builder local styles: Inline in header - Single post and Single portfolio templates

* Fixed: Shop - Free delivery progress bar - Store currency
* Fixed: Theme Options - Colors - CSS variables in color field [70911]

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Laptop breakpoint
* Fixed: Responsive - Section horizontal padding - Option to disable for single post

* Improved: Shop - Product filters - URL attributes with multiple values are now comma separated

Version 27.2.2 – September 9th, 2023​

* Fixed: BeBuilder - User Interface: Default - New elements adding

Version 27.2 – September 6th, 2023​

* Added: Developer Mode - New BeBuilder interface
* Added: Nested Wraps - Design even more advanced layouts
* Added: Laptop - New responsive breakpoint

* Added: Templates - Single post
* Added: Templates - Single portfolio

* Added: Shop - Single product template - Product Tabs element
* Added: Shop - Free Delivery Progress Bar
* Added: Shop - Fake Sale Popup Notification

* Fixed: BeBuilder - New element placeholder image if Lazy Load is enabled in Performance
* Fixed: BeBuilder - Video element - Unwanted PHP debug code removed

* Fixed: Search results page - Pagination if Live Search is enabled

* Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Off canvas sidebar on shop and products pages
* Fixed: Responsive - Section horizontal padding - Option to disable on tablet/mobile
* Fixed: RTL - Helper element - Buttons position

* Fixed: BeCustom plugin - Custom slug - Betheme dashboard links
* Fixed: Rank Math SEO plugin - Image element shows now as HTML img tag

* Improved: Layer Navigator - With drag & drop and right-click menu

* 2 Pre-built websites: Consultant 3, Software 2
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Consultant 3, Software 2

Version – August 18th, 2023​

* Fixed: Header Builder - Cart icon - Cart quantity icon cut off
* Fixed: Live search - Hide blog and portfolio categories if 'Search shop products only' option is enabled
* Fixed: Quick Fact element - Empty value when 0 is entered in the number field
  • Like
Reactions: edgars221289

Version 27.1.5 – July 31st, 2023​

* Added: BeBuilder - Transform - Transition origin attribute

* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Default images gallery
* Fixed: Shop - Single product - Quantity input icons

* Fixed: Mobile - Missing body CSS overflow attribute

Version 27.1.1 – June 30th, 2023​

* Fixed: Dynamic data in not public custom post types
* Fixed: Dynamic data - Testimonials post type - Missing tags added
* Fixed: Query Loops - Dynamic data {featured_image} for wrap hover background image

* Fixed: Theme Options - Restored accidentally hidden Subheader options if global templates are set

* Fixed: Shop - Single product template - Deafult product images gallery
* Fixed: Shop - Products page - Infinite load - Loading more than two pages
* Fixed: Shop - Cart - Missing action 'woocommerce_after_cart_item_name'

* Fixed: PHP 8.1 Deprecated: trim(): Passing null [69906]

Version 27.0.8 – June 12th, 2023​

* Added: Shop - Single product - Open variable product with link - Select variation provided in URL
* Added: Widgets - Be Menu - Option to open submenu on hover but on click on mobile

* Fixed: Shop - Products list - Page options: Hide the content
* Fixed: Shop - Products list - Click on product variation opens product with this variation selected
* Fixed: Shop - Products list - Products per page
* Fixed: Shop - Wishlist - Missing 'Add to cart' and 'Wishlist remove' buttons [69403]

* Fixed: BeBuilder - Visual editor field - Toolbar options does not work

* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Unwanted 'Exit link' element removed
* Fixed: BeBuilder Blocks Classic - Missing options in some 'select' fields, i.e. global, sidebar, slider

* Fixed: Templates: Header - Mobile - Unwanted padding removed
* Fixed: Templates: Shop - Unwanted content removed
* Fixed: Query Loops - Dynamic data {featured_image} as wrap background image

* Fixed: Polylang plugin compatibility - BeBuilder - Update button not responding

* Improved: Betheme dashboard - Missing translation tags added

* 2 Pre-built websites: Leasing 2, Bistro 5
* 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Leasing 2, Bistro 5
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Reactions: edgars221289