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Zaiproty - Property Management Laravel Script

NULLED Zaiproty - Property Management Laravel Script 4.2 NULLED

I only have two issues so far (Zaiproty version 3.5).
1. SMS AddOn will not install (I Tried two versions), the rest of the ADDONs installed 100%
2. Cannot access the "Owner Packages" menu. it throws up a SERVER 500 error.

Is anyone having a "500 Server Error" when accessing the "Owner Packages" menu in admin?
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raz0r 's signature
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I only have two issues so far (Zaiproty version 3.5).
1. SMS AddOn will not install (I Tried two versions), the rest of the ADDONs installed 100%
2. Cannot access the "Owner Packages" menu. it throws up a SERVER 500 error.

Is anyone having a "500 Server Error" when accessing the "Owner Packages" menu in admin?
How have you installed the SSA Addon?
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the sms and management saas addon are out of date. can you update please
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raz0r updated Zaiproty - Property Management Laravel Script with a new update entry:

Zaiproty 4.0 NULLED

Changlog Version 4.0​

+ Added Iyzico payment gateway
+ Added BitPay payment gateway
+ Added ZitoPay payment gateway
+ Added Binance payment gateway
+ Added Paytm payment gateway
+ Added PayHere payment gateway
+ Added MaxiCash payment gateway
+ Added CinetPay payment gateway
+ Added VoguePay payment gateway
+ Added ToyyibPay payment gateway
+ Added Paymob payment gateway
+ Added Authorize.Net payment gateway
+ Added Alipay payment gateway
+ Added Coinbase...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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raz0r 's signature
Hi, I have tried my best to unlock the password by liking etc but it does not seem to work, can someone please help me with the password for the same? I want to donate but I'm a student myself, will not be able to afford the lifetime donation. :(
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hello everyone, has anyone managed to solve the problem of the frontend images, images in general, logo and profile picture?
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raz0r 's signature
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