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REQUEST Yendif Video Share 2.1.2 PRO - Please read before linking to package here


New member
The package that is provided here is not the official pro version release. It is completely running in demo mode. I've used this extension back since 1.2.1 and it was easy to turn into the PRO version. Since moving to Joomla 4 and jumping from Version 1.x.x to Version 2+, the entire thing was rewritten and many of the conventions used no long work. There is actual code block and multiple lines of syntax removed/missing, functions that have been stripped of the caller and return vars, and dead drop style overwrites... specifically in the "Show video in popup" mode... even though it is turned on in admin (which is stupid to have a demo "feature" yet not work at all), the actual calls to the Magnific popup styles and css do not exist...multiple areas of the code all have video links set to javascript 0 nulling everything out... it is just a real mess.

If I had a true pro V2+ version, even an older one where all the calls and things can be seen, it would be easy to convert... but the way it is now... would be completely hit or miss to have a "true pro" version and testing every single nuisance feature would be a real PITA. The real pro version comes with a quick start and actual template and in all my time with this, yet to see it... I really like the features and player so I'm really trying to find anyone that may have a copy of it.

Can anyone assist? Thanks in advance.
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