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WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro 2.2.0


Staff member
raz0r submitted a new resource:

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro - Supercharge your Google Analytics tracking with enhanced eCommerce tracking and custom event track

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Get Insights Into Your WooCommerce Sales Funnel with Google Analytics Pro​

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro turbo charges the integration between your WooCommerce store and your free Google Analytics account. Get detailed insights in your shop’s traffic and eCommerce events so that you can improve your sales funnel and drive more revenue.

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro adds advanced event tracking to your WooCommerce store and...

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raz0r updated WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro with a new update entry:

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro v2.0.4

2023.05.17 - version 2.0.4
* Tweak - Display notice if the connected Google account has no Analytics accounts set up
* Tweak - Ensure auth button follows Google branding guidelines
* Fix - Handle account summaries that are larger than 50 entries
* Fix - Ensure Universal Analytics settings are not shown if the connected Google Account has no UA properties

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