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WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro

WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro 2.2.0

2024.09.02 - version 2.2.0
* Feature - Integrate with the WP Consent API plugin, which supports multiple consent management plugins for handling Consent Mode choices
* Misc - Update SkyVerge Plugin Framework to 5.12.5
* Dev - Add filters to allow modifying cart, order, items and product data before tracking events
2023.06.29 - version 2.0.7
* Fix - Ensure refund events are tracked using positive amounts
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2023.05.17 - version 2.0.4
* Tweak - Display notice if the connected Google account has no Analytics accounts set up
* Tweak - Ensure auth button follows Google branding guidelines
* Fix - Handle account summaries that are larger than 50 entries
* Fix - Ensure Universal Analytics settings are not shown if the connected Google Account has no UA properties
2023.04.26 - version 2.0.2
* Fix - Address bug where plugin settings can be cleared during re-authentication with Google account
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