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Where to buy trade script with more than 7 languages


New member
Hello there
Can anyone please tell me where to buy these trade, mining and investment scripts

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Listen, Hyip scripts are mostly from pakistani, turkish, african or subcontinent codemills. They are unreliable, inoperable and very insecure. Legit, High Yield Investment Portfolio Platforms don't use these scripts. Most of the scripts coming out of codemills are "conware' or 'theftware'.

So to answer your question, it is a piece of junk and you should stay TF away from it.
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Listen, Hyip scripts are mostly from pakistani, turkish, african or subcontinent codemills. They are unreliable, inoperable and very insecure. Legit, High Yield Investment Portfolio Platforms don't use these scripts. Most of the scripts coming out of codemills are "conware' or 'theftware'.

So to answer your question, it is a piece of junk and you should stay TF away from it.
Hello , can you please explain your above note , how can you blame. Show me proofs about what you said.
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I don't need to provide any proof, it is common knowledge that those codemills pump out garbage, it is why they can't get into the major markets. One look at their code base and coding practices and you can"t easily tell it is crapola Just open the code and open your eyes. Anybody with more than 5 minutes coding experience knows this.

I would rather buy 1000 monkeys and wait 1000 years than use codemill code. It all looks the same (cheap af), it is always the same puzzle to install and use (never works right). There is zero support, it is a scammer shell script with no functionality or its entirely a scam and you pay for it and get FA.

You could also read the news or just learn google. It's quite easy to use.
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So what about the others , they also don't give support as you expect, are they also scammers , or just Pakistani, Turkish etc are scammers. And I'm not interested into your post , I made post due to your blame that is only targeted for Pakistani, Turkish developer.
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So what about the others , they also don't give support as you expect, are they also scammers , or just Pakistani, Turkish etc are scammers. And I'm not interested into your post , I made post due to your blame that is only targeted for Pakistani, Turkish developer.
Clap, clap, clap. I am sure there is legitimate call centers in India too. But most of them are scammers. There might be legitimate Pakistani or Turkish coders, but they don' t work in code mills for pennies either.

If you're a fan of the shiite code from codemills, go ahead a enjoy it. But don't ask us to support extortion and slave wages.

Codemills are a disaster for programmers, engineers and designers.

Maybe you need an education on how codemills work, what they do and why they exist.

You won't convince anyone here, though, because anybody with any coding experience knows what those scripts do and what they are for.

Reputation is king, and the reputation of codemills is zilch, less than zero. Are you new to the internet? Codemills aren't new, there are Romanian and Ukrainian codemills, Pakistani and turk codemills, hindi and Punjabi codemills, South Asia code mills, Chinese codemills. Learn something and grow from it.
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Clap, clap, clap. I am sure there is legitimate call centers in India too. But most of them are scammers. There might be legitimate Pakistani or Turkish coders, but they don' t work in code mills for pennies either.

If you're a fan of the shiite code from codemills, go ahead a enjoy it. But don't ask us to support extortion and slave wages.

Codemills are a disaster for programmers, engineers and designers.

Maybe you need an education on how codemills work, what they do and why they exist.

You won't convince anyone here, though, because anybody with any coding experience knows what those scripts do and what they are for.

Reputation is king, and the reputation of codemills is zilch, less than zero.
Hey wait wait what are you talking about , I'm not a kid that what you will say I'll accept that , and for your kind information I am not the author of this thread , I wrote msg against your racist msg on specific developers. And i don't need your advice for what should I learn.
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And one more thing when I asked you to support me , or any other person so keep calm maybe I have more experience than you and take it easy , and I can assume you really have knowledge cos you just write a long notes nothing else
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It's not racist it's the truth. Codemills are destroying the industry, it's a huge problem but you can try and spin the race card if you want.

you can post wherever and whatever you want to anyone you please. Do you think.your opinion matters? I give zero flakes what you say or where you say it

By more experience, do you mean more than 50, because I've been coding since the early 70's.

Ok sunshine enjoy that shiite codemill code, but keep it away from nullcave.
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