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StackFood Multi Restaurant - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin plus Restaurant Panel

NULLED StackFood Multi Restaurant - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin plus Restaurant Panel 8.0 NULLED

On my website, the admin panel stays on the loading screen forever after logging in, does anyone have this problem?
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raz0r updated StackFood Multi Restaurant - Food Delivery App with Laravel Admin plus Restaurant Panel with a new update entry:

StackFood Multi Restaurant 7.5 NULLED

Version 7.5 01 April 2024​

- Improved overall UI interactions and design for the whole admin, store panel, apps, and web
- Enabled POS customer registration notification via email to the customer
- Introduced account block/unblock notifications through email
- Managed Halal tag for product
- Modified some business logic in both web panels and app
- Improved lots of database queries
- Fixed lots of improvements related issues in both web panels and app
- Made the apps...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature

StackFood - React User Website v2.5​

Version 2.5 07 March 2024
- Improved overall design for the whole website
- Changed design for some pages
- All Map section UI updated
- Nearby restaurant section UI and flow updated
- Fixed some issues
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