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Sngine - Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform by Zamblek

NULLED Sngine - Ultimate PHP Social Network Platform by Zamblek 3.13 NULLED

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Sngine 3.13 Atualização 1 patch disponível em 04/10/2024​

Nós consertamos

Tudo o que você precisa fazer é baixar o Sngine novamente e enviar e substituir estes arquivos:

Did you manage to resolve the errors from the last version?

my video is all wide
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I voted for version 3.1.2 as it is very buggy.

the videos are broken and other bugs
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Sngine 3.13 updated 2 you can download here for v3.13-Patch2
Untouched but for nulling it's very easy
I don't know why in the core.js file when I use the latest file I can't change anything in my admin settings.
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I have reset the cache in the browser but it's the same, but if I use the core.js file on the v3.13 update everything is normal
itsmearff 's signature
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If anyone is having issues like me on the latest patch update, it may be an issue with the core.js file. you can search for the file in "/includes/assets/js/core/core.js" then look for code like below then delete it.

  // init hash

  var _t = $('body').attr('data-hash-tok');

  var _p = $('body').attr('data-hash-pos');

  switch (_p) {

    case '1':

      var _l = 'Z';


    case '2':

      var _l = 'm';


    case '3':

      var _l = 'B';


    case '4':

      var _l = 'l';


    case '5':

      var _l = 'K';



  if (_p != 6 && _t[_t[0]] != _l) {

    document.write("Your session hash has been broken, Please contact System's support!");

itsmearff 's signature
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is the patch updated or we have to wait for this ?
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contact me on tg i'll help you @kaisen007
Я написал Вам в ТГ. Большое спасибо что ответили мне
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View attachment 36713

I'm getting this error whenever I try to upload an image.
If you got such error while you or your users try to upload photos, sounds, videos or files

First of all make sure that the uploads folders has the permissions 0777 recursively which means all sub-folders inside the uploads folders also should have the 0777 permissions.

You can find the uploads folder here: content/uploads

In the following screenshots the uploads folder itself has 0777 but some of his sub-folders don’t have 0777 permissions
The sub-folders that should have 0777 permissions are: files, photos, sounds, videos
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Reactions: josephat
I currently have version 3.8 nulled installed. To upgrade to version 3.13, should I upgrade version by version, or can I upgrade directly from 3.8 to 3.13?

Thanks for your help!
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When importing the app to android studio, I'm getting the error Cause: zip END header not found, anyone who can help on this
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does anyone have a reset patch to update from 3.12 to 3.13
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