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Need Reviews For Ad Networking Website

LinkAdFly.com (1).png

Hello Everyone
I am very excited to Launch my ad networking website. i used ADSROCK script for this project.
I hope you guys will guide me by giving your reviews for this website.

1 : This script is supported only banners ads so i created the 5 types of ads

  1. Medium Rectangle Ad ( 300 x 250 ) width x Height
  2. Mobile Leaderboard ( 320 x 50 )
  3. Leaderboard Banner ( 728 x 90 )
  4. Wide Skyscraper ( 160 x 600 )
  5. Medium Leaderboard Banner ( 468 x 60 )
2 : Payments Deposited gateways are

  1. JazzCash ( Local Gateway )
  2. EasyPaisa ( Local Gateway )
  3. Bank Transfer
  4. Skrill (Euro)
  5. Cash-Mall
  6. Coinbase Commerce
3 : Payment Withdrawal Gateways are

  1. JazzCash ( Local Gateway )
  2. EasyPaisa ( Local Gateway )
  3. Bank Transfer
  4. Skrill (Euro)
Here is the link of website : https://linkadfly.com/

Your reviews can help me. 🥰
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