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[make nulled] Webmaster ConferenceRoom


Hello everybody.

I know, it's not a script, but an app. Maybe somebody knows how to null it...

I would like to get the server Webmaster Conferenceroom v4
By the way, since it's abandonware, are there means to get a working serial number? I only whant this for personal use because I like irc, my goal isn't profit, it's just productivite :)
i have installed it, and it works great on linux, but whith limited options. If anyone could make a global key, or a cert file, it will be the surprise of the year for a lot of old geeks like me ^^
The app says :
After purchasing ConferenceRoom you'll need to use this command to set the key path and name Example: /as general set key license.cert ^^
Thanks, and good luck :p

PS : The upload file is too large, so if you whant files, mp me.
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