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MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator SaaS

NULLED MagicAI - OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Chat, Code Generator SaaS 7.9.1 NULLED Extended

The v5.5 version has significant updates and one is below. Please DONOT upgrade to this version yet.
  • IMPROVEMENTS Enhanced the licensing and installation processes for better efficiency and user-friendliness
I believe they have changed the license procedure and we would need @raz0r to help us crack this.
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for bypass license check, Tested for v5.5 - v5.6 :
  • Make sure, settings_two record must matching before. if not sure, execute the sql query bellow:

UPDATE `settings_two` SET `theme` = 'default', `stable_diffusion_api_key` = NULL, `stable_diffusion_default_model` = NULL, `google_recaptcha_status` = 0, `google_recaptcha_site_key` = NULL, `google_recaptcha_secret_key` = NULL, `languages` = 'en', `languages_default` = 'en', `liquid_license_type` = 'Extended License', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'nishiwatashiro', `openai_default_stream_server` = 'frontend', `ai_image_storage` = 'public', `stablediffusion_default_language` = 'en-US', `stablediffusion_default_model` = 'stable-diffusion-xl-beta-v2-2-2', `unsplash_api_key` = NULL, `dalle` = 'dalle3', `daily_limit_enabled` = 0, `allowed_images_count` = 2, `daily_voice_limit_enabled` = 0, `allowed_voice_count` = 1, `serper_api_key` = NULL, `elevenlabs_api_key` = NULL, `feature_tts_google` = 1, `feature_tts_openai` = 1, `feature_tts_elevenlabs` = 0, `fine_tune_list` = NULL, `chatbot_status` = 'disabled', `chatbot_template` = NULL, `chatbot_position` = 'bottom-left', `chatbot_login_require` = 1, `chatbot_rate_limit` = 10, `feature_ai_video` = 1, `chatbot_show_timestamp` = 0 WHERE `id` = 1;

  • go to file app/Http/Kernel.php and comment 2 lines (#1 and #2) as bellow :

  • // use RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus; //<-add comment here #1
  • // \RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus::class, //<-add comment here #2


namespace App\Http;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel as HttpKernel;
//use RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus; //<-add comment here #1

class Kernel extends HttpKernel
     * The application's global HTTP middleware stack.
     * These middleware are run during every request to your application.
     * @var array<int, class-string|string>
    protected $middleware = [
        // \App\Http\Middleware\TrustHosts::class,

     * The application's route middleware groups.
     * @var array<string, array<int, class-string|string>>
    protected $middlewareGroups = [
        'web' => [
            //\RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus::class, //<-add comment here #2

Top-liked message: 8
This user BANNED
yes, however something breaks the signature system if you try to assign a signature to a new user the dropdown menu where you choose the signatures will be empty
If you update it again from the panel after doing the operation, if you repeat the process again, you will update it to v5.6 in this way.
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para omitir la verificación de licencia, Probado para v5.5 - v5.6:
  • Asegúrese de que el registro settings_two debe coincidir antes. Si no está seguro, ejecute la siguiente consulta SQL:

[CÓDIGO = sql] ACTUALIZAR `settings_two` SET `theme` = 'default', `stable_diffusion_api_key` = NULL, `stable_diffusion_default_model` = NULL, `google_recaptcha_status` = 0, `google_recaptcha_site_key` = NULL, `google_recaptcha_secret_key` = NULL, `idiomas ` = 'en', `languages_default` = 'en', `liquid_license_type` = 'Licencia extendida', `liquid_license_domain_key` = 'nishiwatashiro', `openai_default_stream_server` = 'frontend', `ai_image_storage` = 'public', `stablediffusion_default_language` = 'en-US', `stablediffusion_default_model` = 'stable-diffusion-xl-beta-v2-2-2', `unsplash_api_key` = NULL, `dalle` = 'dalle3', `daily_limit_enabled` = 0, `allowed_images_count` = 2, `daily_voice_limit_enabled` = 0, `allowed_voice_count` = 1, `serper_api_key` = NULL, `elevenlabs_api_key` = NULL, `feature_tts_google` = 1, `feature_tts_openai` = 1, `feature_tts_elevenlabs` = 0, `fine_tune_list` = NULL , `chatbot_status` = 'deshabilitado', `chatbot_template` = NULL, `chatbot_position` = 'abajo a la izquierda', `chatbot_login_require` = 1, `chatbot_rate_limit` = 10, `feature_ai_video` = 1, `chatbot_show_timestamp` = 0 WHERE ` id` = 1;[/CÓDIGO]

  • vaya al archivo app/Http/Kernel.php y comente 2 líneas (#1 y #2) como se muestra a continuación:

  • // utilizar RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus; //<-añadir comentario aquí #1
  • // \RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus::class, //<-añadir comentario aquí #2


espacio de nombres App\Http;

utilice Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel como HttpKernel;
//usa RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus; //<-añadir comentario aquí #1

clase Kernel extiende HttpKernel
* La pila de middleware HTTP global de la aplicación.
* Estos middleware se ejecutan durante cada solicitud a su aplicación.
* @var matriz<int, cadena-clase|cadena>
protegido $middleware = [
// \App\Http\Middleware\TrustHosts::clase,

* Los grupos de middleware de ruta de la aplicación.
* @var matriz<cadena, matriz<int, clase-cadena|cadena>>
protegido $middlewareGroups = [
'web' => [
//\RachidLaasri\LaravelInstaller\Middleware\ApplicationStatus::class, //<-añadir comentario aquí #2

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raz0r 's signature

BUG IN v5.8.0 – MAY 3, 2024


I have already run the activation Query in the new DB. I tested creating it using the manual (.env file) and automatic installation method and the server files are still not Nulled!

Can someone help me?
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Reactions: blink911, Super and ROSSxBR