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For those who urgently need Canva Pro

Обновление Профессиональной версии Canva теперь доступна тут по ссылке!

Canva's Professional Edition update is now available here at the link!

Буду рад вашим позитивным симпатиям! / I look forward to your positive likes!
Dārgie draugi, nevajag lūdzu no viena un tā paša domēna vārda reģistrēt 10 un vairāk lietotāju profilus!!! Citādi citiem nepietiek un cilvēki paliek bez nekā! Esiet pieklājīgi un saprotošie pret citiem! Pretējā gadījuma saksim tīrīt grupas dalībniekus un dzēst tos, kuriem ir vienādi e-pasta adreses un ip adreses!

Tagad, kam vajag papildus iestāties grupa, rakstiet man privāti!

Dear friends, please do not register 10 or more user profiles from the same domain name!!! Otherwise there is not enough for others and people are left with nothing! Be polite and understanding to others! Otherwise, let's purge the group members and delete those who have the same email addresses and ip addresses! Now, who needs extra to join the group, email me privately!

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please accept to join your team..
Dear friends, please do not register 10 or more user profiles from the same domain name!!! Otherwise there is not enough for others and people are left with nothing! Be polite and understanding to others! Otherwise, let's purge the group members and delete those who have the same email addresses and ip addresses! Now, who needs extra to join the group, email me privately!
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Обновленная регистрация в группу доступна о новой ссылки ниже, не забывайте поставить вашу реакцию, а если есть возможность то и поддержать наш проект!

Updated registration to the group is available on the new link below, don't forget to put your reaction, and if you can, and support our project!

Поддержка проекта - https://failiem.id.lv/help/donati/
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Обновленная регистрация в группу доступна о новой ссылки ниже, не забывайте поставить вашу реакцию, а если есть возможность то и поддержать наш проект!

Updated registration to the group is available on the new link below, don't forget to put your reaction, and if you can, and support our project!

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