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FinFunder - HYIP Investments and Crypto Trading on the Matrix Platform

FinFunder - HYIP Investments and Crypto Trading on the Matrix Platform 4.2

Dear @raz0r can you please update it


Version 4.1

- ICO: Phased token distribution enabled.
- Maintenance mode activated.
- Email verification added.
- Blue sidebar issues resolved.
- reCAPTCHA security enhanced.
- Payment flow optimized.
- Referral commissions corrected.
- Trade pricing accuracy improved.
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wpexperties updated FinFunder - HYIP Investments and Crypto Trading on the Matrix Platform with a new update entry:

FinFunder - HYIP Investments and Crypto Trading on the Matrix Platform 4.2

Version 4.1

- Fixed unknown server issues
- Improved code structure and efficiency

Version 4.1

- ICO: Phased token distribution enabled.
- Maintenance mode activated.
- Email verification added.
- Blue sidebar issues resolved.
- reCAPTCHA security enhanced.
- Payment flow optimized.
- Referral commissions corrected.
- Trade pricing accuracy improved.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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