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Dooo - Movie and Web Series Portal App [OneByteSolution]

NULLED Dooo - Movie and Web Series Portal App [OneByteSolution] 2.9.3b NULLED

Probably problem in host setting.

It goes to beginning cuz script cant do copy/delete in connection.php
  deleteDirectory($install_dir."backup/db/", true);
  folderCopy($install_dir, "../");
  deleteDirectory($install_dir, true);

  $install_dir = 'temp/';
    $install_file = 'Dooo215.zip';
Change path.
Hlo apk build but Throw Back after open app pls tell me how do I fix
Reacted by:
its getting errotr like this how to reslove this


  • Screenshot 2025-01-29 202820.png
    Screenshot 2025-01-29 202820.png
    93.2 KB · Views: 38
Reacted by:
its getting errotr like this how to reslove this
see heres
manage to solve this problem?
Reacted by:
see heres
manage to solve this problem?
@raz0r admin can you update this code with latest entry.
Make sure our server is configured correctly. I recommend ubuntu 20.4 with apache2 and php8.0.
Post automatically merged:

see heres
manage to solve this problem?
@raz0r admin can you update this code with latest entry.
Make sure our server is configured correctly. I recommend ubuntu 20.4 with apache2 and php8.0.
Reacted by:
Can somebody post the full version without error please update no work , license bypass working but api generator no work ! Many thanks !!


First install phpmyadmin on your server, then import your database and edit it using your code editor like (sublime Text). on line 185 add this code.

INSERT INTO `config` (`id`, `name`, `logo`, `package_name`, `api_key`, `license_code`, `license_user`, `license_access_token`, `license_token_type`, `login_mandatory`, `maintenance`, `image_slider_type`, `movie_image_slider_max_visible`, `webseries_image_slider_max_visible`, `onesignal_api_key`, `onesignal_appid`, `ad_type`, `Admob_Publisher_ID`, `Admob_APP_ID`, `adMob_Native`, `adMob_Banner`, `adMob_Interstitial`, `adMob_AppOpenAd`, `StartApp_App_ID`, `facebook_app_id`, `facebook_banner_ads_placement_id`, `facebook_interstitial_ads_placement_id`, `Latest_APK_Version_Name`, `Latest_APK_Version_Code`, `APK_File_URL`, `Whats_new_on_latest_APK`, `Update_Skipable`, `Update_Type`, `googleplayAppUpdateType`, `Contact_Email`, `SMTP_Host`, `SMTP_Username`, `SMTP_Password`, `SMTP_Port`, `SMTP_crypto`, `Dashboard_Version`, `Dashboard_Version_Code`, `shuffle_contents`, `Home_Rand_Max_Movie_Show`, `Home_Rand_Max_Series_Show`, `Home_Recent_Max_Movie_Show`, `Home_Recent_Max_Series_Show`, `Show_Message`, `message_animation_url`, `Message_Title`, `Message`, `all_live_tv_type`, `all_movies_type`, `all_series_type`, `LiveTV_Visiable_in_Home`, `TermsAndConditions`, `PrivecyPolicy`, `tmdb_language`, `admin_panel_language`, `genre_visible_in_home`, `AdColony_app_id`, `AdColony_banner_zone_id`, `AdColony_interstitial_zone_id`, `unity_game_id`, `unity_banner_id`, `unity_interstitial_id`, `custom_banner_url`, `custom_banner_click_url_type`, `custom_banner_click_url`, `custom_interstitial_url`, `custom_interstitial_click_url_type`, `custom_interstitial_click_url`, `applovin_sdk_key`, `applovin_apiKey`, `applovin_Banner_ID`, `applovin_Interstitial_ID`, `ironSource_app_key`, `movie_comments`, `webseries_comments`, `google_login`, `onscreen_effect`, `razorpay_status`, `razorpay_key_id`, `razorpay_key_secret`, `paypal_status`, `paypal_type`, `paypal_clint_id`, `paypal_secret_key`, `content_item_type`, `live_tv_content_item_type`, `webSeriesEpisodeitemType`, `telegram_token`, `telegram_chat_id`, `splash_screen_type`, `splash_bg_color`, `splash_image_url`, `splash_lottie_url`, `cron_key`, `cron_status`, `auto_notification_status`, `auto_notification_schedule`, `db_backup_status`, `db_backup_schedule`, `safeModeVersions`, `safeMode`, `primeryThemeColor`, `blocked_regions`, `pinLockStatus`, `pinLockPin`, `flutterwave_status`, `flutterwave_public_key`, `flutterwave_secret_key`, `flutterwave_encryption_key`, `onboarding_status`, `movieDefaultStreamLinkType`, `movieDefaultStreamLinkStatus`, `live_tv_genre_visible_in_home`, `login_otp_status`, `signup_otp_status`, `force_single_device`, `payment_gateway_type`, `home_bottom_floting_menu_status`, `uddoktapay_status`, `uddoktapay_api_key`, `uddoktapay_base_url`, `bKash_status`, `bKash_app_key`, `bKash_app_secret`, `bKash_username`, `bKash_password`, `bKash_payment_type`, `embed_error_code`, `download_manager`, `player_intro`, `image_proxy_status`, `image_storage_provider`, `imgbb_api_key`) VALUES (1, 'name', 'logo', 'package_name', 'api_key', 'license_code', 'license_user', 'license_access_token', 'license_token_type', 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 'onesignal_api_key', 'onesignal_appid', 0, 'Admob_Publisher_ID', 'Admob_APP_ID', 'adMob_Native', 'adMob_Banner', 'adMob_Interstitial', 'adMob_AppOpenAd', 'StartApp_App_ID', 'facebook_app_id', 'facebook_banner_ads_placement_id', 'facebook_interstitial_ads_placement_id', 'Latest_APK_Version_Name', 'Latest_APK_Version_Code', 'APK_File_URL', 'Whats_new_on_latest_APK', 0, 0, 0, 'Contact_Email', 'SMTP_Host', 'SMTP_Username', 'SMTP_Password', 'SMTP_Port', 'none', 'Dashboard_Version', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'message_animation_url', 'Message_Title', 'Message', 0, 0, 0, 0, 'TermsAndConditions', 'PrivecyPolicy', 'tmdb_language', 'admin_panel_language', 0, 'AdColony_app_id', 'AdColony_banner_zone_id', 'AdColony_interstitial_zone_id', 'unity_game_id', 'unity_banner_id', 'unity_interstitial_id', 'custom_banner_url', 0, 'custom_banner_click_url', 'custom_interstitial_url', 0, 'custom_interstitial_click_url', 'applovin_sdk_key', 'applovin_apiKey', 'applovin_Banner_ID', 'applovin_Interstitial_ID', 'ironSource_app_key', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'razorpay_key_id', 'razorpay_key_secret', 0, 0, 'paypal_clint_id', 'paypal_secret_key', 0, 0, 0, 'telegram_token', 'telegram_chat_id', 0, 'splash_bg_color', 'splash_image_url', 'splash_lottie_url', 'cron_key', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'safeModeVersions', 0, 'primeryThemeColor', 'blocked_regions', 0, 'pinLockPin', 0, 'flutterwave_public_key', 'flutterwave_secret_key', 'flutterwave_encryption_key', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'uddoktapay_api_key', 'uddoktapay_base_url', 0, 'bKash_app_key', 'bKash_app_secret', 'bKash_username', 'bKash_password', 0, 'embed_error_code', 0, 'player_intro', 0, 0, 'imgbb_api_key');

Screenshot 2025-02-06 180048.png

After that export it to your database using phpmyadmin again. and go back to the admin panel and you will be able to update the input text fields that are not working. goodluck. I hope I helped you.
Reacted by:
Hlo apk build but Throw Back after open app pls tell me how do I fix
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Anyone can help regarding this invalid license code. I tried all the possible ways posted here to bypass, but still it's invalid. Thanks..dooo.png
Reacted by:
Anyone can help regarding this invalid license code. I tried all the possible ways posted here to bypass, but still it's invalid. Thanks..

Locate this files >application>models>LicenseModel.php and paste this code

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class LicenseModel extends CI_Model {

function __construct()
// https://t.me/kisswdev

// Always returns success for license verification
function verify($User_name, $License_Code) {
return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => array(
'username' => $User_name,
'license' => $License_Code,
'message' => 'License verification successful.'

// Simulates updating license details in the database
function auth($User_name, $License_Code) {
// Example token and type for demonstration
$token = 'dummy_token';
$token_type = 'Bearer';

$this->db->set('license_user', $User_name);
$this->db->set('license_code', $License_Code);
$this->db->set('license_access_token', $token);
$this->db->set('license_token_type', $token_type);
$this->db->where('id', 1);

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'License Code verified and updated successfully!'

// Simulates license check without actual verification
function licence() {
// Simulated license data
$license_data = array(
'license_type' => 'Extended',
'expires_at' => '2099-12-31'

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => $license_data,
'message' => 'License is valid.'
Reacted by:
  • Like
Reactions: YuuskeTV
I followed all the steps in the tutorial but the application keeps crashing in splash at start
Knowing that the panel is working fine
Has anyone encountered the problem and found a solution for itScreenshot_20250209-022330.pngScreenshot 2025-02-09 022703.png
Reacted by:
Locate this files >application>models>LicenseModel.php and paste this code

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class LicenseModel extends CI_Model {

function __construct()
// https://t.me/kisswdev

// Always returns success for license verification
function verify($User_name, $License_Code) {
return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => array(
'username' => $User_name,
'license' => $License_Code,
'message' => 'License verification successful.'

// Simulates updating license details in the database
function auth($User_name, $License_Code) {
// Example token and type for demonstration
$token = 'dummy_token';
$token_type = 'Bearer';

$this->db->set('license_user', $User_name);
$this->db->set('license_code', $License_Code);
$this->db->set('license_access_token', $token);
$this->db->set('license_token_type', $token_type);
$this->db->where('id', 1);

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'License Code verified and updated successfully!'

// Simulates license check without actual verification
function licence() {
// Simulated license data
$license_data = array(
'license_type' => 'Extended',
'expires_at' => '2099-12-31'

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => $license_data,
'message' => 'License is valid.'
Thank you so much, mate. It's working now.
Reacted by:
Please is not properly null sir, is showing invalid license.
Locate this files >application>models>LicenseModel.php and paste this code

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class LicenseModel extends CI_Model {

function __construct()
// https://t.me/kisswdev

// Always returns success for license verification
function verify($User_name, $License_Code) {
return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => array(
'username' => $User_name,
'license' => $License_Code,
'message' => 'License verification successful.'

// Simulates updating license details in the database
function auth($User_name, $License_Code) {
// Example token and type for demonstration
$token = 'dummy_token';
$token_type = 'Bearer';

$this->db->set('license_user', $User_name);
$this->db->set('license_code', $License_Code);
$this->db->set('license_access_token', $token);
$this->db->set('license_token_type', $token_type);
$this->db->where('id', 1);

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'License Code verified and updated successfully!'

// Simulates license check without actual verification
function licence() {
// Simulated license data
$license_data = array(
'license_type' => 'Extended',
'expires_at' => '2099-12-31'

return array(
'status' => 'success',
'data' => $license_data,
'message' => 'License is valid.'
Reacted by:
I followed all the steps in the tutorial but the application keeps crashing in splash at start
Knowing that the panel is working fine
Has anyone encountered the problem and found a solution for it
the error code:
main Process: com.sou.egybest, PID: 5648 com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected a com.google.gson.JsonObject but was com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; at path $ at com.google.gson.internal. bind. TypeAdapters$ 34$ 1. read( TypeAdapters. java: 1010) at com.google.gson.Gson. fromJson( Gson. java: 1227) with tag AndroidRuntime
Reacted by:
I followed all the steps in the tutorial but the application keeps crashing in splash at start
Knowing that the panel is working fine
Has anyone encountered the problem and found a solution for it
the error code:
main Process: com.sou.egybest, PID: 5648 com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected a com.google.gson.JsonObject but was com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; at path $ at com.google.gson.internal. bind. TypeAdapters$ 34$ 1. read( TypeAdapters. java: 1010) at com.google.gson.Gson. fromJson( Gson. java: 1227) with tag AndroidRuntime
downgrade your android studio version and build again
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  • Like
Reactions: souhaibboukhroufa
I followed all the steps in the tutorial but the application keeps crashing in splash at start
Knowing that the panel is working fine
Has anyone encountered the problem and found a solution for it
the error code:
main Process: com.sou.egybest, PID: 5648 com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Expected a com.google.gson.JsonObject but was com.google.gson.JsonPrimitive; at path $ at com.google.gson.internal. bind. TypeAdapters$ 34$ 1. read( TypeAdapters. java: 1010) at com.google.gson.Gson. fromJson( Gson. java: 1227) with tag AndroidRuntime
Please guys, anyone have solution?
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