The default language of any content posted is English. Do not create multi-accounts, you will be blocked! For more information about rules, limits, and more, visit the
Help page. Found a dead link? Use the report button!
Added an "About Us" page for enhanced site information.
Introduced new pages in the admin finance section for Profit Management and Profit Analysis.
P2P Trading:
Moved "Payment Methods" to be the first item in the user P2P menu for easier access.
Responsive Design:
Added a responsive handler for wallet type selection in the deposit, withdrawal, and transfer page initial steps for better usability on different screen sizes.
Admin Profits:
Created a new model for managing admin profits.
Developed a handler for calculating admin profits in user withdrawals, transfers, P2P trades, and ICO contributions.
Added a handler to automatically remove fees when a transaction is removed by an admin.
Transaction Fees:
Added a Percentage Transfer Fee setting in the admin side.
Implemented a handler for applying transfer fees.
Added a Wallet Withdraw Chain Fee setting.
Developed a logic to apply the fixed chain fee from exchange providers to the total withdrawal amount so that the target wallet receives the full amount, while the sender wallet incurs the fixed and percentage fees as set by the admin.
Added a Spot Wallet Withdraw Percentage Fee setting.
Implemented a new handler to apply extra fees based on the percentage set by the admin.
User Management:
Added a new handler to export all user details to an Excel file for administrative reporting.
File Handling:
Introduced a new endpoint to convert HEIC/HEIF images to JPG format.
Added a handler for uploading and processing HEIC images.
UI/UX Improvements:
Improved network selection UI/UX for a smoother and more intuitive user experience.
Enhanced color schemes for lists in dark mode on pruned legal pages.
Added dark mode support for the KYC rejection modal.
Increased the maximum length for eCommerce product descriptions to accommodate more detailed information.
Fixed the issue where the ecosystem token structure was not displaying in integrated add-ons.
KYC Management:
Patched an issue where KYC applicants could not view client applications with document errors.
Fixed the cancel button issue that continued sending KYC applications.
Corrected the max level calculation in KYC templates.
Patched an issue where KYC rejections were adding an unintended level.
P2P Trades:
Fixed the issue where P2P trades for all users were visible to admins on the user side.