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BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine System

BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine System 3.1.3

raz0r 's signature
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raz0r updated BeMusic - Music Streaming Engine System with a new update entry:

BeMusic 3.1.0

2024 March 22 - Version 3.1.0​

  • new: added synchronised lyric support
  • new: improved automatic lyrics importing
  • new: search page will now load more matching results when scrolling
  • new: open context menus as trays on mobile
  • fix: og:image tag sometimes not showing
  • fix: don't autofocus first item in search dropdown
  • fix: track and album embed images sometimes not showing
  • fix: search not ordering artists correctly sometimes
  • fix: user profile...

Read the rest of this update entry...
raz0r 's signature
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Hello guys, tell me how to update the system if version 3.0.6 is already installed and works stable, but I want to download 3.1.0. Is it just necessary to replace files or does it not work that way?
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Android Application For BeMusic Scripts v10.1​

v10.1 – Latest Version

- Improved Integration with Bemusic Api
- Fixed issues with Stripe Payment Gateway
- Supports Live Radio Broadcasting
- Implemented Latest Onesignal Library for Push Notification
- Implemented Support for HLS Streams
- Fixed some issues with Gradle
- Bug fixes
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Android Application For BeMusic Scripts v10.1​

*** Hidden text: cannot be quoted. ***
Thanks for the software, but it contains some errors. It's the latest Android Studio. Gradle 8.6 Plugin 4.0.1. Error here:
def mergeTask = tasks["merge${variantName}Assets"] in the cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview\music-xwalk.gradle file.

Also here:
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'bemusic_androidapp'.
> Could not create task ':mergeDebugAssets'.

Can you give me some advice? What am I doing wrong?

And also this error:

Unable to load class 'org.gradle.initialization.BuildCompletionListener'
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Maybe you need some special version of Android Studio. I'm already scratching my head about what a mistake this is. I thought maybe I needed a visual MS, but no. Please help if possible =)
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Gracias por el software, pero contiene algunos errores. Es el último Android Studio. Complemento Gradle 8.6 4.0.1. Error aquí:
def mergeTask = tareas["merge${variantName}Assets"] en el archivo cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview\music-xwalk.gradle.

También aquí:
* Qué salió mal:
Se produjo un problema al configurar el proyecto raíz 'bemusic_androidapp'.
> No se pudo crear la tarea ':mergeDebugAssets'.

¿Me puedes dar algún consejo? ¿Qué estoy haciendo mal?

Y también este error:

No se puede cargar la clase 'org.gradle.initialization.BuildCompletionListener'
hola debes de poner la virtualizacion en tu windows para poder trabajar en ella
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hola debes de poner la virtualizacion en tu windows para poder trabajar en ella
No entendí. ¿Qué tiene que ver la virtualización con esto? Monto todo según las instrucciones que vienen con el kit. Pero hay una nueva carpeta para mí y un nuevo truco para montarla como Corodova. No entiendo muy bien qué y cómo hacer allí. Normalmente hago todas las aplicaciones para Android en Android Studio, rara vez en formato visual, si es multiplataforma.
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No entendí. ¿Qué tiene que ver la virtualización con esto? Monto todo según las instrucciones que vienen con el kit. Pero hay una nueva carpeta para mí y un nuevo truco para montarla como Corodova. No entiendo muy bien qué y cómo hacer allí. Normalmente hago todas las aplicaciones para Android en Android Studio, rara vez en formato visual, si es multiplataforma.
What I have noticed is that the Program needs Virtualization to be able to emulate and work before converting
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@raz0r Update please. Thank you

2024 June 09 - Version 3.1.1​

  • new: it's now possible to show pagination on channel pages
  • new: updated channel management pages in admin area
  • new: errors on the site will now show more details, if logged in as admin
  • new: translations can now be downloaded and uploaded as .json file
  • new: added CRON, outgoing email and error logs in admin area
  • new: changed email verification to use one time password, instead of verification link
  • new: request password before allowing user to delete account
  • new: allow sitemap generation via command line
  • new: added social icons in the icon selector in menu manager
  • fix: lyrics page on mobile
  • fix: download files with slash in the name
  • fix: some layout issues in user profile page
  • fix: subscription activation sometimes being delayed when using stripe
  • fix: paypal subscription state sometimes not syncing with the site
  • fix: hidden plans being used for discount calculation
  • fix: old settings sometimes being cached
  • fix: resending email verification from admin area
  • fix: some issues with appearance editor color pickers
  • fix: mobile menu sometimes opening links in new window
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