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Amelia Pro - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

Amelia Pro - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin 8.1 NULLED

raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia Booking v6.5

Version 6.5 (09.08.2023)

Update with a couple of features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: New option to duplicate Special Days
  • Feature: Round Robin, Lowest Price and Highest Price- added new options for Employee Selection logic
  • Feature: Added integration for Google Analytics 4 events
  • Feature: Differentiate appointments by color- easily identify back-end and front-end bookings for a more organized scheduling...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia WordPress v6.6

Version 6.6 (28.08.2023)​

Update with a couple of features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Added option to skip the first step on the Catalog 2.0 booking form
  • Improvement: Added options to hide the employee/location selection options when booking packages
  • Improvement: Added an option to set coupons to be case insensitive
  • Improvement: Added an option for the reminder notification not to be sent if the booking is made...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia WordPress Plugin v6.7

Version 6.7 (26.09.2023)​

Update with a couple of features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: REST APIs management- empowering developers to extend integrations and customize the booking process- This feature is available in developer license, for general information and REST APIs, please refer to our documentation
  • Feature: Amelia Pop-up- giving you the flexibility to choose between an on-page or popup booking form for a personalized...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia Booking v7.0

Version 7.0 (07.11.2023)​

Update with a couple of features, improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Cart feature- book multiple appointments seamlessly in a single booking process and transaction; available in Pro and Developer licenses
  • Feature: Multiple selections in shortcode- choose multiple categories, services, packages, employees, or locations within a single webpage when using Step-by-step and Catalog Booking forms
  • Feature:...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia Booking v7.1

Version 7.1 (Released 15.11.2023)​

Update with a new feature, a couple of improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: Employee badges- elevate your booking experience with customizable badges for your employees
  • Improvement: Added event date and time to file name for export option
  • Improvement: Added new Event filters on backend – now you can filter Events by tag, attendees or locations
  • Improvement: Adjusted Google Maps Autocomplete...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia v7.2 - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin

Version 7.2 (04.12.2023)​

Update with a new feature, an improvement and a couple of bug fixes:

  • Feature: Event group view- presenting each event as a distinct row, eliminating the need to list individual periods by date and consolidating all related time intervals under a unified event view
  • Improvement: Categories Improvement- the new improvement allows users to enhance their categorization experience by incorporating pictures, colors, and...

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I can't thank you enough for providing constant plugin updates. We are still saving to buy it. In the meantime, we are a small company happy to be part of this community.
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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia 7.4.1

Version 7.4.1 (20.02.2024)

Update with a couple of improvements and bug fixes:
  • Improvement: Added option to enable/disable field search on Step-by-step form info step
  • Improvement: Improved WooCommerce logic for creating bookings
  • Improvement: Implemented display of employee custom price only when service price is set to 0
  • Added JS hook for info step customization on the Booking Form
  • Added hook for scroll on Catalog...

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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia 7.4.2

Version 7.4.2 (05.03.2024)

Update with a couple of improvements and bug fixes:
  • Improvement: Added option to pre-select parameters for Amelia shortcodes from URL query parameters
  • Improvement: Added location display on Employee and Customer Panels
  • Improvement: Added duration to the export option for Appointments
  • Improvement: Added API parameter to format appointments
  • Added more WPHooks, both actions and filters...

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This is the Pro version , can any one share the Developer version ?
Pro version does not have the new feature Rest API , only Developer version has it .
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Version 7.4.3 (06.03.2024)

Update with a bug fix and some stability improvements:
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with hidden service and booking forms when the user is not logged in
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements
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Hi! Please 🙏 update the plugin​

Version 7.5 (15.04.2024)

Update with a great redesign, a couple of improvements, and bug fixes
Newly redesigned Customer Panel
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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia Booking 7.5.1

Version 7.5.1 (07.05.2024)

Update with a couple of improvements and bug fixes:
  • Improvement: Added sorting option for services within packages
  • Improvement: Implemented sorting of packages by validation date on Customer Panel 2.0
  • Improvement: Improved API bookings logic
  • Improvement: Added ‘Fifth’ as a recurrence option for the Monthly recurring events
  • Improvement: Added option on Customize page to remove...

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WhatsApp integration doesnt work for me and no even trying Bit integrations feat Amelia. This Enterprise version is outstanding but if the whastapp notifications doesnt work on this days, it make it lightly less good. The Amelia web page doesnt show any Enterprise version available on this days and report the Pro and Elite versions like the only ones capable to use Whatsapp.
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After to check the code, many code lines related to whatsapp notifications are empty, incomplete or missed including webhooks code lines. This explain why when trying Bit integrations or just testing Whatsapp notifications only show a error message on the screen. The following lines for example are empty:
class WhatsAppWebhookCommand extends Command
{ }
public function sendTestNotification($sendTo, $notification, $dummyData)
{ }
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raz0r updated Amelia - Enterprise-Level Appointment Booking WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

Amelia WordPress v7.6

Version 7.6 (17.06.2024)​

Update with new features, a few improvements, and bug fixes:
  • Feature: TAX FEATURE – Now you can automatically calculate and apply taxes to your services and events. Available in Standard, Pro, and Elite licenses.
  • Feature: Stripe Connect Integration – Seamless integration with Stripe...

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