Not lates but new version
Akeeba Ticket System 5.3.9 Stable
What's new?
Accurate PHP CLI path in the Automation page. In the past we were using a generic placeholder /path/to/php or C:\path\to\php to indicate that you needed to replace this with the path to PHP CLI given to you by your host. Unfortunately, many hosts have under-trained first level support staff which can't provide this information, and does not understand the difference between PHP CLI and PHP CGI. We have now added code which tries to identify the PHP CLI binary automatically using our experience of where these files are usually to be found on a very large sample of live and local server environments across all major operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, FreeBSD etc.). In most cases, the command line you are given will be one that you can just copy and paste into your host's CRON management page without having to do any thinking, or contacting your host. Simplicity, yay!
You can now include the list of the ticket owner's user groups in manager emails. A new mail variable {OWNER_GROUPS} to list the user groups the ticket owner belongs to in emails sent to managers. This might be useful in uses cases where the user group assignment may have implications in service level agreements, scope of provisioned services (e.g. active subscriptions), etc.
Workaround for Joomla! 5.2 broken mail template layout. Joomla! 5.2 introduced the new Mail Template Layout feature. Unfortunately, this feature is breaking URLs in emails by prefixing them with the site's URL even if they are absolute URLs. Something like will turn into this jumbled mess This happens to all URLs in anchor (), link, and a few other HTML tags and affects all URLs which come from an email template variable – even those in mail templates of core Joomla! components such as the users component (think account activation, username reminders, password reset, etc). There was simple no QA done before the release of Joomla! 5.2. While we cannot fix Joomla! 5.2 ourselves and we cannot ask our clients to disable the Mail Template Layout feature (it is a nice feature, despite its shoddy implementation), we can work around the problems it brought with it. We added this workaround, as well as a toggle in the component's Options in case you need to disable this workaround, presumably when Joomla finally addresses this issue.
Bug fixes and minor improvements. Please take a look at the CHANGELOG below.
New features
- Accurate PHP CLI path in the Automation page
- Workaround for Joomla! 5.2 broken mail template layout
- You can now include the list of the ticket owner's user groups in manager emails