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WPCodeBox 2

WPCodeBox 2 1.1.1


Save hours when customizing WordPress sites​

WPCodeBox allows you to save all your Code Snippets to the Cloud and share them across your WordPress sites. The Code Snippet Repository provides you with a library of tested and ready-to-use Code Snippets for your WordPress site.

Build and manage your WordPress Code Snippets library in the cloud​

Forget about the tedious process of copying-and pasting your Code Snippets one by one.

WPCodeBox allows you to save all those snippets to your cloud account and share them across any WordPress site in just seconds!

You will also be able to search a growing library of ready-made snippets on our Snippet Repository.

Works great with all themes and plugins​

WPCodeBox works great with all page builders like Oxygen, Elementor, Bricks Builder and many others.

Adding code snippets to your WordPress site is a great way to reduce the number of plugins you use or enhance their functionality.

Support for all Code Snippet types​

WPCodeBox supports all code snippet types that you will ever need when working with WordPress. Add inline or external JS, CSS.

WPCodeBox will compile SCSS or LESS to CSS.

The WPCodeBox editor provides code completion for WordPress, PHP, CSS, SCSS and JavaScript.

Suggestions for WordPress actions, filters and functions​

WPCodeBox features the most powerful Code Editor ever built into a plugin. It will auto-suggest WordPress actions, hooks and functions based on the context.

The editor provides JavaScript, CSS, SCSS and HTML code suggestions and it includes Emmet support.
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Latest updates

  1. WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.1

    = 1.1.1 (Released on May 22nd 2024) = * New Feature: Show snippet conditions overview on the...
  2. WPCodeBox 2 1.1.0

    WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.0 Released Wed, 10th April 2024 New Feature: Export snippets to plugin New...
  3. WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.3

    WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.3 Released Sunday, 28th May 2023 Bugfix: Snippet order not preserved when...